Supported messages and entities for plug-ins
Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
This topic contains a table that lists the message and entity combinations that support execution of plug-ins for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online & on-premises). Alternatively, you can view this information in a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet, which you can find in the in the SDK package. Download the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK package. In the worksheet, filter on the message or entity columns to see where you can register plug-ins. The worksheet can be found at SDK\Message-entity support for plug-ins.xlsx.
The Message Availability column of the table indicates whether a message is available online, offline, or both. The Entity Deployment column indicates if the entity can be deployed on the server, on the client, or both. A value of null in the Primary Entity column means that there is no primary entity associated with the message. The same applies to the Secondary Entity column.
In plug-in code, you can send any message to the web services except those messages that create or update metadata.
Custom entities support the same base messages as system entities, depending on whether the entity is organization-owned or user-owned. For more information, see Actions on entity records.
The SDK\Message-entity support for plug-ins.xlsx file in the download is more up-to-date than the tables provided below. Refer to that file for the latest changes.
The term offline applies to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access. The term client can apply to either Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook Online or Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access.
Whether a message is available online or offline can be determined programmatically by inspecting the SdkMessage.Availability attribute. To view the entity metadata for your organization, install the Metadata Browser solution described in Browse the metadata for your organization. You can also view the metadata for an uncustomized organization in the Excel file called EntityMetadata.xlsx included in the top-level folder of the SDK download.
Supported messages for custom entities
Supported messages for default entities
Custom entities can be either organization-owned or user-owned, which defines the set of messages available for the entity. The following table lists the messages for custom entities that support the execution of plug-ins.
Message Name |
Ownership Type |
Message Availability |
Entity Supported Deployment |
Assign |
User-owned entities only |
Server |
Server |
Create |
User-owned and organization-owned entities |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
User-owned and organization-owned entities |
Both |
Server |
GrantAccess |
User-owned entities only |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
User-owned entities only |
Server |
Server |
Retrieve |
User-owned and organization-owned entities |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
User-owned and organization-owned entities |
Both |
Server |
RetrievePrincipalAccess |
User-owned entities only |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess |
User-owned entities only |
Both |
Server |
RevokeAccess |
User-owned entities only |
Server |
Server |
SetState |
User-owned and organization-owned entities |
Both |
Server |
Update |
User-owned and organization-owned entities |
Both |
Server |
The following table lists the message and entity combinations that support the execution of plug-ins for default, or out-of-the-box entities.
Message Name |
Primary Entity |
Secondary Entity |
Message Availability |
Entity Supported Deployment |
AddItem |
Campaign |
Both |
Both |
AddItem |
CampaignActivity |
Both |
Both |
AddListMembers |
List |
Server |
Server |
AddMember |
List |
Server |
Server |
AddMembers |
Team |
Server |
Server |
AddPrincipalToQueue |
Queue |
Both |
Both |
AddPrivileges |
Role |
Server |
Server |
AddProductToKit |
Product |
Both |
Both |
AddRecurrence |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Both |
Both |
AddToQueue |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
AddUserToRecordTeam |
TeamTemplate |
Server |
Server |
ApplyRecordCreationAndUpdateRule |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Account |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Annotation |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Appointment |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResource |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResourceBooking |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResourceCategory |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookableResourceGroup |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
BookingStatus |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Campaign |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
CampaignActivity |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
CampaignResponse |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Category |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Characteristic |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Connection |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Contact |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Contract |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
CustomerRelationship |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
EmailSignature |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Entitlement |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Fax |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Feedback |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Goal |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
GoalRollupQuery |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Incident |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
IncidentResolution |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Invoice |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
KnowledgeArticle |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Lead |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Letter |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
List |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Opportunity |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
OpportunityClose |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
OrderClose |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
PersonalDocumentTemplate |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
PhoneCall |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
ProcessSession |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Queue |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Quote |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
QuoteClose |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
RatingModel |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
RatingValue |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
SalesOrder |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
ServiceAppointment |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
SharePointSite |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
SLAKPIInstance |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
SocialActivity |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
SocialProfile |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Task |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
Template |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
UserForm |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
UserQuery |
Server |
Server |
Assign |
UserQueryVisualization |
Server |
Server |
Associate |
Both |
Both |
BackgroundSend |
Both |
Both |
Book |
Appointment |
Server |
Server |
Book |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Server |
Server |
Book |
ServiceAppointment |
Server |
Server |
CalculatePrice |
Invoice |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
InvoiceDetail |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
OpportunityProduct |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
QuoteDetail |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
SalesOrder |
Both |
Both |
CalculatePrice |
SalesOrderDetail |
Both |
Both |
Cancel |
Contract |
Both |
Both |
Cancel |
SalesOrder |
Both |
Both |
CheckIncoming |
Both |
Both |
CheckPromote |
Both |
Both |
Clone |
Contract |
Both |
Both |
CloneMobileOfflineProfile |
MobileOfflineProfile |
Server |
Server |
CloneProduct |
Product |
Server |
Server |
Close |
Incident |
Both |
Both |
Close |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
CopyDynamicListToStatic |
List |
Server |
Server |
CopySystemForm |
SystemForm |
Server |
Server |
Create |
Account |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ActionCard |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ActionCardUserSettings |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Annotation |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Appointment |
Both |
Both |
Create |
AzureServiceConnection |
Both |
Server |
Create |
BookableResource |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookableResourceBooking |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookableResourceBookingExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
Create |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookableResourceCategory |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookableResourceGroup |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BookingStatus |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BusinessProcessFlowInstance |
Both |
Both |
Create |
BusinessUnit |
Both |
Server |
Create |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Calendar |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Campaign |
Both |
Both |
Create |
CampaignActivity |
Both |
Both |
Create |
CampaignResponse |
Both |
Both |
Create |
CardType |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Category |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Characteristic |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Connection |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ConnectionRole |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Contract |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ContractDetail |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ContractTemplate |
Both |
Server |
Create |
CustomControl |
Both |
Server |
Create |
CustomControlDefaultConfig |
Both |
Server |
Create |
CustomControlResource |
Both |
Server |
Create |
CustomerAddress |
Both |
Both |
Create |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Both |
Both |
Create |
CustomerRelationship |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Discount |
Both |
Server |
Create |
DiscountType |
Both |
Server |
Create |
DocumentTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Both |
Both |
Create |
EmailSignature |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Entitlement |
Both |
Both |
Create |
EntitlementChannel |
Both |
Server |
Create |
EntitlementTemplate |
Both |
Server |
Create |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Equipment |
Both |
Server |
Create |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
Create |
ExpiredProcess |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Fax |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Feedback |
Both |
Both |
Create |
FieldPermission |
Both |
Server |
Create |
FieldSecurityProfile |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Goal |
Both |
Server |
Create |
GoalRollupQuery |
Both |
Server |
Create |
HierarchyRule |
Both |
Server |
Create |
HierarchySecurityConfiguration |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Incident |
Both |
Both |
Create |
IncidentResolution |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Invoice |
Both |
Both |
Create |
InvoiceDetail |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KbArticle |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KbArticleComment |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KbArticleTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KnowledgeArticleIncident |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KnowledgeArticleViews |
Both |
Both |
Create |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
Create |
LeadToOpportunitySalesProcess |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Letter |
Both |
Both |
Create |
List |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Metric |
Both |
Server |
Create |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Both |
Server |
Create |
msdyn_PostConfig |
Both |
Server |
Create |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
Both |
Server |
Create |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
Both |
Server |
Create |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Both |
Server |
Create |
NewProcess |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
Create |
OpportunityClose |
Both |
Both |
Create |
OpportunityProduct |
Both |
Both |
Create |
OpportunitySalesProcess |
Both |
Both |
Create |
OrderClose |
Both |
Both |
Create |
PersonalDocumentTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Create |
PhoneCall |
Both |
Both |
Create |
PhoneToCaseProcess |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Position |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Post |
Both |
Server |
Create |
PostComment |
Both |
Server |
Create |
PostFollow |
Both |
Server |
Create |
PriceLevel |
Both |
Server |
Create |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
Both |
Server |
Create |
ProcessSession |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Product |
Both |
Server |
Create |
ProductAssociation |
Both |
Both |
Create |
ProductPriceLevel |
Both |
Server |
Create |
ProductSubstitute |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Queue |
Both |
Server |
Create |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
Create |
QuoteClose |
Both |
Both |
Create |
QuoteDetail |
Both |
Both |
Create |
RatingModel |
Both |
Both |
Create |
RatingValue |
Both |
Both |
Create |
RecommendationModelVersion |
Both |
Server |
Create |
RecommendationModelVersionHistory |
Both |
Server |
Create |
RecurrenceRule |
Both |
Server |
Create |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Role |
Both |
Server |
Create |
RollupField |
Both |
Server |
Create |
SalesLiterature |
Both |
Server |
Create |
SalesLiteratureItem |
Both |
Server |
Create |
SalesOrder |
Both |
Both |
Create |
SalesOrderDetail |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Service |
Both |
Server |
Create |
ServiceAppointment |
Both |
Both |
Create |
SharePointDocument |
Both |
Both |
Create |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Both |
Server |
Create |
SharePointSite |
Both |
Server |
Create |
SimilarityRule |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Site |
Both |
Server |
Create |
SLAKPIInstance |
Both |
Both |
Create |
SocialActivity |
Both |
Both |
Create |
SocialProfile |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Subject |
Both |
Both |
Create |
SystemUser |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Task |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Team |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Template |
Both |
Both |
Create |
Territory |
Both |
Server |
Create |
TextAnalyticsEntityMapping |
Both |
Server |
Create |
Theme |
Both |
Both |
Create |
TopicModelConfiguration |
Both |
Both |
Create |
TraceLog |
Both |
Both |
Create |
TransactionCurrency |
Both |
Server |
Create |
TranslationProcess |
Both |
Both |
Create |
UoM |
Both |
Server |
Create |
UoMSchedule |
Both |
Both |
Create |
UserMapping |
Both |
Both |
Create |
UserQuery |
Both |
Both |
Create |
WebResource |
Both |
Server |
CreateException |
Appointment |
Both |
Both |
CreateInstance |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Server |
Server |
CreateKnowledgeArticleTranslation |
KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
CreateKnowledgeArticleVersion |
KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Account |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ActionCard |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Annotation |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Appointment |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
AzureServiceConnection |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
BookableResource |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookableResourceBooking |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookableResourceBookingExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookableResourceCategory |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookableResourceGroup |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BookingStatus |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
BusinessUnit |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Calendar |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Campaign |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
CampaignActivity |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
CampaignResponse |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
CardType |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Category |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Characteristic |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Connection |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ConnectionRole |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Contract |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
ContractDetail |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
ContractTemplate |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
CustomControl |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
CustomControlDefaultConfig |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
CustomControlResource |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
CustomerAddress |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
CustomerRelationship |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Discount |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
DiscountType |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
EmailSignature |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Entitlement |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
EntitlementChannel |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
EntitlementTemplate |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Equipment |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
ExpiredProcess |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Fax |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Feedback |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
FieldPermission |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
FieldSecurityProfile |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Goal |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
GoalRollupQuery |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
HierarchyRule |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
HierarchySecurityConfiguration |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Incident |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
IncidentResolution |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Invoice |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
InvoiceDetail |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KbArticle |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KbArticleComment |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KbArticleTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KnowledgeArticleIncident |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KnowledgeArticleViews |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
LeadToOpportunitySalesProcess |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Letter |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
List |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Metric |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
msdyn_PostConfig |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
NewProcess |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
OpportunityClose |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
OpportunityProduct |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
OpportunitySalesProcess |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
OrderClose |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
PhoneCall |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
PhoneToCaseProcess |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
PluginTraceLog |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Position |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Post |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
PostComment |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
PostFollow |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
PostLike |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
PriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
ProcessSession |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Product |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ProductAssociation |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ProductPriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
ProductSubstitute |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Publisher |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
PublisherAddress |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Queue |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
QuoteClose |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
QuoteDetail |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
RatingModel |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
RatingValue |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
RecommendationModelVersionHistory |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
RecurrenceRule |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Role |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
RollupField |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
SalesLiterature |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
SalesLiteratureItem |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
SalesOrder |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
SalesOrderDetail |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Service |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
ServiceAppointment |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
SharePointDocument |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
SharePointSite |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
SimilarityRule |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Site |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
SiteMap |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
SocialActivity |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
SocialProfile |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Solution |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Subject |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Task |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Team |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Template |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
Territory |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
TextAnalyticsEntityMapping |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
Theme |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
TopicModelConfiguration |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
TransactionCurrency |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
TranslationProcess |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
UoM |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
UoMSchedule |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
UserForm |
Both |
Server |
Delete |
UserMapping |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
UserQuery |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
UserQueryVisualization |
Both |
Both |
Delete |
WebResource |
Both |
Server |
DeleteOpenInstances |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Both |
Both |
DeliverIncoming |
Server |
Server |
DeliverPromote |
Both |
Both |
Disassociate |
Both |
Both |
Execute |
Both |
Both |
ExecuteById |
SavedQuery |
Both |
Both |
ExecuteById |
UserQuery |
Both |
Both |
Export |
Server |
Server |
GenerateSocialProfile |
SocialProfile |
Both |
Both |
GetDefaultPriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
GrantAccess |
Account |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Annotation |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Appointment |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResource |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResourceBooking |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResourceCategory |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookableResourceGroup |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
BookingStatus |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Campaign |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
CampaignActivity |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
CampaignResponse |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Category |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Characteristic |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Connection |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Contact |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Contract |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
CustomerRelationship |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Entitlement |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Fax |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Feedback |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Goal |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
GoalRollupQuery |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Incident |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
IncidentResolution |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Invoice |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
KnowledgeArticle |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Lead |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Letter |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
List |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Opportunity |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
OpportunityClose |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
OrderClose |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
PersonalDocumentTemplate |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
PhoneCall |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
ProcessSession |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Queue |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Quote |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
QuoteClose |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
RatingModel |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
RatingValue |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
SalesOrder |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
ServiceAppointment |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
SharePointSite |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
SLAKPIInstance |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
SocialActivity |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
SocialProfile |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Task |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
Template |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
UserForm |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
UserQuery |
Server |
Server |
GrantAccess |
UserQueryVisualization |
Server |
Server |
Import |
Server |
Server |
LockInvoicePricing |
Invoice |
Server |
Server |
LockSalesOrderPricing |
SalesOrder |
Server |
Server |
Lose |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
Merge |
Account |
Server |
Server |
Merge |
Contact |
Server |
Server |
Merge |
Incident |
Server |
Server |
Merge |
Lead |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Account |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Annotation |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Appointment |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResource |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResourceBooking |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResourceCategory |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookableResourceGroup |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
BookingStatus |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Campaign |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
CampaignActivity |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
CampaignResponse |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Characteristic |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Connection |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Contact |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Contract |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
CustomerRelationship |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Entitlement |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Fax |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Feedback |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Goal |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
GoalRollupQuery |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Incident |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
IncidentResolution |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Invoice |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
KnowledgeArticle |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Lead |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Letter |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
List |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Opportunity |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
OpportunityClose |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
OrderClose |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
PersonalDocumentTemplate |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
PhoneCall |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
ProcessSession |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Queue |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Quote |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
QuoteClose |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
RatingModel |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
RatingValue |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
SalesOrder |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
ServiceAppointment |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
SharePointSite |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
SLAKPIInstance |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
SocialActivity |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
SocialProfile |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Task |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
Template |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
UserForm |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
UserQuery |
Server |
Server |
ModifyAccess |
UserQueryVisualization |
Server |
Server |
PickFromQueue |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
Publish |
Server |
Server |
PublishAll |
Server |
Server |
PublishTheme |
Theme |
Server |
Server |
QualifyLead |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
Recalculate |
Goal |
Server |
Server |
ReleaseToQueue |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
RemoveFromQueue |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
RemoveItem |
Campaign |
Both |
Both |
RemoveItem |
CampaignActivity |
Both |
Both |
RemoveMember |
List |
Server |
Server |
RemoveMembers |
Team |
Server |
Server |
RemovePrivilege |
Role |
Server |
Server |
RemoveProductFromKit |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Invoice |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Lead |
Account |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Lead |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Opportunity |
Account |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Opportunity |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Opportunity |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Product |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Product |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
Quote |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
SalesLiterature |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
SalesLiterature |
Product |
Both |
Both |
RemoveRelated |
SalesOrder |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
RemoveUserFromRecordTeam |
TeamTemplate |
Server |
Server |
ReplacePrivileges |
Role |
Server |
Server |
Reschedule |
Appointment |
Server |
Server |
Reschedule |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Server |
Server |
Reschedule |
ServiceAppointment |
Server |
Server |
Retrieve |
Account |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ActionCard |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ActivityPointer |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Annotation |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
AppModuleComponent |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Appointment |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
AzureServiceConnection |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResource |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceBooking |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceBookingExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceCategory |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookableResourceGroup |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BookingStatus |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Calendar |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Campaign |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CampaignActivity |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CampaignResponse |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CardType |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Category |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Characteristic |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Connection |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ConnectionRole |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Contract |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ContractDetail |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ContractTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CustomControl |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CustomControlDefaultConfig |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CustomControlResource |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CustomerAddress |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
CustomerRelationship |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Dependency |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
Discount |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
DiscountType |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
DocumentTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
EmailSignature |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Entitlement |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
EntitlementChannel |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
EntitlementTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Equipment |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
Fax |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Feedback |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Goal |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
GoalRollupQuery |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
HierarchyRule |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Incident |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
IncidentResolution |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
InvalidDependency |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
Invoice |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
InvoiceDetail |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KbArticle |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KbArticleComment |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KbArticleTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KnowledgeArticleIncident |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KnowledgeArticleViews |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
LanguageLocale |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
LeadAddress |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Letter |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
List |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Metric |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
msdyn_PostConfig |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
OpportunityClose |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
OpportunityProduct |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
OrderClose |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
PersonalDocumentTemplate |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
PhoneCall |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
PluginTraceLog |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Position |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Post |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
PostComment |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
PostFollow |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
PostLike |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
PriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ProcessSession |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Product |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ProductAssociation |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ProductPriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ProductSubstitute |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Publisher |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
PublisherAddress |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
Queue |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
QuoteClose |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
QuoteDetail |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
RatingModel |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
RatingValue |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
RecommendationModelVersion |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
RecommendationModelVersionHistory |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
RollupField |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SalesLiterature |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SalesLiteratureItem |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SalesOrder |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SalesOrderDetail |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SavedQuery |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SavedQueryVisualization |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Service |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
ServiceAppointment |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SharePointDocument |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
SharePointSite |
Both |
Server |
Retrieve |
SimilarityRule |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Site |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SocialActivity |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SocialProfile |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Solution |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
SolutionComponent |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Subject |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Task |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Team |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Template |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Territory |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
TextAnalyticsEntityMapping |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
Theme |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
TopicModelConfiguration |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
UoM |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
UoMSchedule |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
UserForm |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
UserMapping |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
UserQuery |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
UserQueryVisualization |
Both |
Both |
Retrieve |
WebResource |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveExchangeRate |
TransactionCurrency |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveFilteredForms |
SystemForm |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Account |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
AccountLeads |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ActivityParty |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ActivityPointer |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Annotation |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
AppModuleRoles |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Appointment |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
AzureServiceConnection |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResource |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceBooking |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceBookingExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceBookingHeader |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceCategory |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceCategoryAssn |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookableResourceGroup |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BookingStatus |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Calendar |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Campaign |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CampaignActivity |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CampaignActivityItem |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CampaignItem |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CampaignResponse |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CardType |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Category |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ChannelProperty |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ChannelPropertyGroup |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Characteristic |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Competitor |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CompetitorProduct |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CompetitorSalesLiterature |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Connection |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ConnectionRole |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ConnectionRoleAssociation |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Contact |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ContactInvoices |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ContactLeads |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ContactOrders |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ContactQuotes |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Contract |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ContractDetail |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ContractTemplate |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CustomControl |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CustomControlDefaultConfig |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CustomControlResource |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CustomerAddress |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
CustomerRelationship |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Dependency |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
Discount |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
DiscountType |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
DocumentTemplate |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
DynamicProperty |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
DynamicPropertyAssociation |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
DynamicPropertyInstance |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
DynamicPropertyOptionSetItem |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EmailSignature |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Entitlement |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EntitlementChannel |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EntitlementContacts |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EntitlementProducts |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EntitlementTemplate |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
EntitlementTemplateProducts |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Equipment |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
Fax |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Feedback |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Goal |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
GoalRollupQuery |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
HierarchySecurityConfiguration |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Incident |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
IncidentKnowledgeBaseRecord |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
IncidentResolution |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
InteractionForEmail |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
InvalidDependency |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
Invoice |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
InvoiceDetail |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
KbArticle |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
KbArticleComment |
Both |
Both |
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KbArticleTemplate |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
KnowledgeArticleIncident |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
KnowledgeArticlesCategories |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
KnowledgeArticleViews |
Both |
Both |
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KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
LanguageLocale |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
LeadAddress |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
LeadCompetitors |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
LeadProduct |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Letter |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
License |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
List |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ListMember |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Metric |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
MobileOfflineProfile |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
MobileOfflineProfileItem |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Both |
Server |
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msdyn_PostConfig |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
Both |
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msdyn_wallsavedquery |
Both |
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msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Both |
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OpportunityClose |
Both |
Both |
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OpportunityCompetitors |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
OpportunityProduct |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
OrderClose |
Both |
Both |
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PersonalDocumentTemplate |
Both |
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PhoneCall |
Both |
Both |
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PluginTraceLog |
Both |
Both |
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Position |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Post |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
PostComment |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
PostFollow |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
PostLike |
Both |
Server |
RetrieveMultiple |
PriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ProcessSession |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
Product |
Both |
Both |
RetrieveMultiple |
ProductAssociation |
Both |
Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
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CustomerRelationship |
Both |
Both |
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Both |
Both |
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Both |
Both |
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Both |
Both |
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KnowledgeArticle |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess |
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Both |
Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess |
QuoteClose |
Both |
Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
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SocialProfile |
Both |
Both |
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Task |
Both |
Both |
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Template |
Both |
Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess |
UserForm |
Both |
Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Appointment |
Both |
Both |
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Both |
Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess |
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Both |
Both |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess |
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Both |
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BookableResourceCharacteristic |
Both |
Both |
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Both |
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BookingStatus |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
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Both |
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Characteristic |
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Connection |
Both |
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CustomerOpportunityRole |
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Both |
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CustomerRelationship |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Template |
Both |
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UserForm |
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Server |
RevokeAccess |
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Server |
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Server |
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Server |
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Server |
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RatingValue |
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Server |
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Server |
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Server |
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SocialProfile |
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Server |
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Server |
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Server |
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Server |
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Both |
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IncidentResolution |
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OpportunityClose |
Both |
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OpportunitySalesProcess |
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Both |
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PhoneCall |
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PriceLevel |
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Product |
Both |
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Both |
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QuoteClose |
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RatingValue |
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Both |
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TransactionCurrency |
Both |
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TranslationProcess |
Both |
Both |
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UserQuery |
Both |
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BookableResourceBookingExchangeSyncIdMapping |
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Both |
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Both |
Both |
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Both |
Both |
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BusinessProcessFlowInstance |
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Both |
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BusinessUnit |
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BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
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CampaignResponse |
Both |
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CardType |
Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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Both |
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ContractTemplate |
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CustomControlDefaultConfig |
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CustomerAddress |
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CustomerOpportunityRole |
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CustomerRelationship |
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Both |
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Both |
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EmailSignature |
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EntitlementTemplateChannel |
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FieldPermission |
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GoalRollupQuery |
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HierarchyRule |
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Both |
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KnowledgeArticle |
Both |
Both |
Update |
KnowledgeArticleIncident |
Both |
Both |
Update |
KnowledgeArticleViews |
Both |
Both |
Update |
KnowledgeBaseRecord |
Both |
Both |
Update |
LanguageLocale |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Lead |
Both |
Both |
Update |
LeadToOpportunitySalesProcess |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Letter |
Both |
Both |
Update |
List |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Metric |
Both |
Server |
Update |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
Both |
Server |
Update |
msdyn_PostConfig |
Both |
Server |
Update |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
Both |
Server |
Update |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
Both |
Server |
Update |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
Both |
Server |
Update |
NewProcess |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
Update |
OpportunityClose |
Both |
Both |
Update |
OpportunityProduct |
Both |
Both |
Update |
OpportunitySalesProcess |
Both |
Both |
Update |
OrderClose |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Organization |
Both |
Server |
Update |
PhoneCall |
Both |
Both |
Update |
PhoneToCaseProcess |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Position |
Both |
Server |
Update |
PriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
Update |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
Both |
Server |
Update |
ProcessSession |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Product |
Both |
Both |
Update |
ProductAssociation |
Both |
Both |
Update |
ProductPriceLevel |
Both |
Both |
Update |
ProductSubstitute |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Queue |
Both |
Server |
Update |
QueueItem |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
Update |
QuoteClose |
Both |
Both |
Update |
QuoteDetail |
Both |
Both |
Update |
RatingModel |
Both |
Both |
Update |
RatingValue |
Both |
Both |
Update |
RecommendationModelVersion |
Both |
Server |
Update |
RecommendationModelVersionHistory |
Both |
Server |
Update |
RecurrenceRule |
Both |
Server |
Update |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Role |
Both |
Server |
Update |
RollupField |
Both |
Server |
Update |
SalesLiterature |
Both |
Both |
Update |
SalesLiteratureItem |
Both |
Both |
Update |
SalesOrder |
Both |
Both |
Update |
SalesOrderDetail |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Service |
Both |
Server |
Update |
ServiceAppointment |
Both |
Both |
Update |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
Both |
Server |
Update |
SharePointSite |
Both |
Server |
Update |
SimilarityRule |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Site |
Both |
Server |
Update |
SLAKPIInstance |
Both |
Server |
Update |
SocialActivity |
Both |
Both |
Update |
SocialProfile |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Subject |
Both |
Both |
Update |
SystemUser |
Both |
Server |
Update |
Task |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Team |
Both |
Server |
Update |
Template |
Both |
Both |
Update |
Territory |
Both |
Server |
Update |
TextAnalyticsEntityMapping |
Both |
Server |
Update |
Theme |
Both |
Both |
Update |
TopicModelConfiguration |
Both |
Both |
Update |
TransactionCurrency |
Both |
Server |
Update |
TranslationProcess |
Both |
Both |
Update |
UoM |
Both |
Both |
Update |
UoMSchedule |
Both |
Both |
Update |
UserForm |
Both |
Server |
Update |
UserMapping |
Both |
Both |
Update |
UserQuery |
Both |
Both |
Update |
UserQueryVisualization |
Both |
Both |
Update |
WebResource |
Both |
Server |
ValidateRecurrenceRule |
RecurrenceRule |
Both |
Both |
Win |
Opportunity |
Both |
Both |
Win |
Quote |
Both |
Both |
Write plug-ins to extend business processes
Plug-in development
Introduction to the event framework
Microsoft Dynamics 365
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