Run Program

Applies To: Opalis 6.3

The Run Program object can run any program or command on any computer in your domain in interactive or background mode. This object uses a satellite license.

Use the Run Program object to run backup applications or a batch script that runs a set of complex commands.

Configuring the Run Program Object

To configure the Run Program object you need to know the command line argument or program that you want to run and which computer it will run on. You must also know if a user on the target computer will need to interact with the program when it is run. The user account that will run the program or command must have administrator rights to run programs on the target computer.

To configure the Run Program object

  1. From the Objects pane, drag a Run Program object to the active Policy.

  2. Double-click the Run Program object icon. The Properties dialog opens.

  3. For information about the settings on the Details tab, and the Advanced tab, see the following tables.

  4. For information about the settings on the General tab, the Run Behavior tab, and other tabs if applicable, see Common Tabs.

Details Tab

Element Configuration Instructions

Program execution

Select this mode to execute a program in the same way as a Windows shortcut or the Windows Run dialog. You can also use the ellipsis (...) button to browse for the computer.

Command execution

Select this mode to execute a command in the same way as the Windows Command Prompt.


Type the computer where this program or command will be executed. Type localhost to run the program or command on the Action Server where the Policy is being processed.

Program Path/Command

  • If you selected the Program execution mode, this element appears as Program Path. Type the full path to the location of the program that you want to run. Then, to pass parameters to the program, type them in the Parameters box.

  • If you selected the Command execution mode, this element appears as Command. Type the path of the command that you want to run, and include the parameters that you want to pass to the command on the same line in the Command box.


Type the parameters that will be passed to the program that you want to run. This option is only available when you select the Program execution mode.

Working folder

Type the full path of the working folder that the program or command will use. The command or program will behave as if it was executed from the working folder.

Advanced Tab

Element Configuration Instructions

Execution mode

Select the mode of execution for the program:

  • Interactive - Select this option to display a user interface on the computer where the command or program is run. A user interface, if available, appears in a user session that is defined by the user credentials specified in the Run as boxs (User name, Password) on the Advanced tab.

  • Background, normal priority - Select this option to run the command or program in the background with the process priority set to normal. In this mode no user interface will be displayed.

  • Background, low priority - Select this option to run the command or program in the background with the process priority set to low. In this mode no user interface will be displayed. Some programs may not function correctly when set to low priority. If this is the case, use the Interactive or Backgroud, normal priority settings instead.

Wait for the completion of the program

Select this option to cause the Run Program to wait for the program or command to finish executing before moving to the next object in the Policy. If you have set the Execution mode to Interactive, then the user must close the program before the Run Program object is able to move to the next object in the Policy.

Terminate after

Type the maximum number of minutes to wait for the program or command to complete. Set this value to 0 to have the Run Program object to wait indefinitely for the completion of the program or command. If the time has expired and the program or command has not completed executing, the Run Program object will shut down the program or command and report a failure.

Do not wait for the completion of the program

Select this option to cause the Run Program object to run the program or command and not wait for it to complete. When this option is selected, the Published Data items generated by the Run Program object will not be available to other objects.

User name

To use a different account name to log in to a computer and run a program, type the account number in the User name box.

Note: This user name only logs in to the computer where the Run Program object is executed, and uses the Interactive logon type. If the program that the Run Program object launches accesses resources on other computers, the same user name is used on the remote computer, but with the Network logon type.


Type the password associated with the user name to run the program on the remote computer.

Run Program Published Data

The following table lists the element names and descriptions of the data published by this object. For information about the published data elements that are common to all objects, see Policy Workflow Rules.

Element Name

Program path

Program parameters

Working folder path

Process ID

Program exit code


Program output

Pure Output

Program output file

UNC program output file