FPSMC Release Notes
Applies To: Microsoft Forefront Protection Server Management Console (FPSMC)
Build 1614.0
Thank you for using Microsoft Forefront Protection Server Management Console (FPSMC). FPSMC will allow you to manage Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server (FPE) and Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint (FPSP) deployments in your environment. These release notes provide important information about the current version of the product. It is highly recommended that you read the entire document.
The following are important notes regarding the FPSMC RTM build:
FPSMC cannot be deployed on a domain controller, an FPE server, or an FPSP server.
FPSMC will support only FPE and FPSP. It will not manage Forefront Security for Exchange Server (v10.x), Forefront Security for SharePoint (v10.x), and Antigen for Exchange and SMPT v9.x products—these still require Forefront Server Security Management Console (FSSMC).
The FPSMC agent only retrieves statistical data from the time it is installed. No data prior to the agent’s install time is retrieved. As such, the At-A-Glance page will take a full day before it is representative of 24 hours of data.
FPSMC cannot redistribute Cloudmark micro-updates. The FPE server retrieves these directly from the Internet. If your environment leverages a proxy for internet access, FPE will need to be configured appropriately to ensure these updates are downloaded and applied.
FPSMC will only download Kaspersky 8 updates. To enable this on your managed servers, you need the following:
For FPE, preferably upgrade to FPE Roll Up 2. Alternatively, deploy FPE Rollup 1 with the LocalEngineMapping.cab file. FPE RTM cannot support Kaspersky 8 updates.
- Visit Description of Hotfix Rollup 2 for Forefront Protection for Exchange to read the description for and request a download of FPE Roll Up 2.
For FPSP, the LocalEngineMapping.cab file must be deployed.
- The LocalEngineMapping.cab can be downloaded from the web at How to enable the Kaspersky 8 engine for Forefront Protection for Exchange hotfix rollup 1 and Forefront Protection for SharePoint.
To stop managing a server from FPSMC, you must remove it from the console and uninstall the agent from the managed node. Uninstalling the agent from the managed server will not send back a notification to the console and all jobs for that server will continue to run and they will fail.
FPSMC has been verified to support up to 100 servers per deployment.
When manually adding servers in the Add Servers page, you must enter the servers as fully qualified domain names (FQDN). Entering the IP address of a server is not supported.
Adding users and servers from a domain connected through an external trust is not supported.
FPSMC UI requires JavaScript to be enabled. Each FPSMC primary server will support one FPSMC backup server. Multiple backup servers will not be supported.
FPSMC does not support product and patch deployments for FPE and FPSP.
Scheduled report jobs and redistribution jobs should not be scheduled at exactly the same time.
The Number of Retries field in the Global Configuration section has been obsoleted for this product due to a change in engine update technology, but was not removed from the UI. Configuring this setting will not have any impact on redistribution jobs.
Build 1614.0:
Added support for managing non-domain joined machines and cross-domain (within the same forest) machines.
Communication between FPSMC and a remote machine uses five static ports: 80, 445, 8815, 8816, 8817.
Added support to download and redistribute the necessary 32-bit and 64-bit engine and definition updates in the environment.
FPSMC has a centralized quarantine to enable improved management across managed servers.
A user-friendly dashboard view that provides a 24 hour snapshot of the environment
Added support for Exchange 2007 Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) clusters and Single Copy Clusters (SCC), as well as Exchange 2010 Database Availability Group (DAG).
FPSMC can be run on the Hyper-V virtual platform.
Issue: Signature redistribution jobs will fail on a Mailbox only server if Cloudmark is included in the update job.
Reason: The Cloudmark engine is not applicable on the Mailbox server and attempting to update the Cloudmark engine on the Mailbox server will cause all the updates to fail.
Workaround: Create a job that only has the engines applicable to the Mailbox only servers.
Issue: Cloudmark will always show “Engine Version 0.0.0”, “Update Version 0”, and be out of date in the Engine and Definition Versions report for Mailbox Only servers.
Reason: Cloudmark is not a valid engine on Mailbox Only servers, and therefore is not installed or updated on Mailbox Only servers.
Workaround: None.
Issue: A UserProfile event log error concerning leaking registry handles will be logged.
Reason: This is a consequence of a Windows Server 2008 R2 condition.
Workaround: None. A registry key bypass has been included in the product and this error is benign.
The documentation for this product is distributed through the TechNet library (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=203546).
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