Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook by using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM)

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM) is a tool that administrators can use to distribute software to users’ computers. SCCM is one way to distribute Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook to users in an organization.


Prepare SCCM

You can perform the following procedures only if your organization has a working SCCM implementation. Also, software distribution for SCCM must be enabled for clients in your network. For more information, see Configuration Manager Documentation Library.

Distribute prerequisite software for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook

Use one of the following methods to distribute the prerequisite software required by Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook:

  • Use SCCM to distribute the prerequisite software. This helps avoid computer restarts during Microsoft Dynamics CRM client setup.
  • Propagate the prerequisite software to a central file share along with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation files. Then, let Microsoft Dynamics CRM setup perform the installation. It will, when required, restart client computers.

For more information, see Configuration Manager Documentation Library.