Command examples

The following command configures Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access by using a file named config_client.xml in quiet mode, and outputs a log file named clientinstall.log:

Microsoft.Crm.Application.Outlook.ConfigWizard.exe /Q /i c:\config_client.xml /l c:\clientinstall.log

The /Q quiet mode configuration parameter requires a configuration file in XML format. No dialog boxes or error messages will appear on the display screen. To capture error message information, include the log file parameter (/L) or verbose logging (/LV).

The /i [drive:] [[path] configfilename.xml]] command-line parameter provides Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Setup with required information. It is the same information that each installation screen requires. The XML elements must be in English (US); special or extended characters cannot be used. An XML configuration file that has localized XML elements will not work correctly. An explanation of each XML element and a sample XML file follows:

<Deployments> </Deployments>

The configuration file must be a valid XML file that uses <Deployment> as the root element.


Specifies the type of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook installation. Specifying true, will install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with offline access capability.


Specifies the folder in which Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook files will be installed.

<Deployment> </Deployment>

Parent element for all of the following elements.


Specifies the URL for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Discovery Web Service. The supported binding can be HTTPS or HTTP. If the Discovery Web Service is using a port other than the default ports 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS), you must specify the port number. If this is a Full Server deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011, the Discovery Web Service URL is the same as the URL for the Web application, such as https://crmserver.

<Organizations> </Organizations>

This is the parent element for the following <Organization> element.

<Organization IsPrimary="true"/"false">OrganizationName</Organization>

Specifies the name of the organization that the client will connect to.

IsPrimary. Specifies whether this is the primary or default organization that will be resolved when using a URL that does not include the organization name.


OrganizationName is case-sensitive.