Creating and Using Excel Slicers


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Service Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager, System Center 2012 - Service Manager

The most useful reporting data available from System Center 2012 – Service Manager is in the form of data cubes. One method of viewing and manipulating cube data is using PivotTables in Microsoft Excel. You can use slicers in Excel to filter PivotTable data.

Slicers are easy-to-use filtering components that contain a set of buttons that enable you to quickly filter the data in a PivotTable report, without the need to open drop-down lists to find the items that you want to filter.

When you use a regular PivotTable report filter to filter on multiple items, the filter indicates only that multiple items are filtered, and you have to open a drop-down list to find the filtering details. However, a slicer clearly labels the filter that is applied and provides details so that you can easily understand the data that is displayed in the filtered PivotTable report.

For more information about Excel slicers, see Use slicers to filter PivotTable data on the Microsoft Office website.

See Also

Using OLAP Cubes for Advanced Analytics