Uninstalling Device Manager 2011 Server


This section provides instructions for how to uninstall Device Manager 2011 server by using a command line or the Device Manager 2011 Setup Wizard.

When you uninstall Device Manager 2011 server, the installer performs the following actions:

  • Removes all files that were installed during the Device Manager 2011 server installation
  • Removes all registry modifications
  • Uninstalls all services that were installed during the Device Manager 2011 server installation
  • Unregisters all COM DLLs
  • Reverts all changes to MOF files

To uninstall Device Manager 2011 server by using a command line

  1. Close the Configuration Manager console.

  2. At an elevated command prompt, type the following command to uninstall Device Manager 2011 server:

    msiexec.exe /x <file name> /lv <log file> /qn

    For the file name value, select the appropriate installer or upgrade installer file name for the language that you want to install from the table in Installing Device Manager 2011 Using a Command Line.

  3. Press ENTER.

To uninstall Device Manager 2011 server by using the wizard

  1. Close the Configuration Manager console.

  2. In Control Panel, expand Programs and Features, and then double-click Windows Embedded Device Manager 2011 Server Service Pack 1.

  3. Confirm that you want to uninstall Windows Embedded Device Manager 2011 Server Service Pack 1.

See Also


Device Manager 2011 Server Installation