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Short description

Prevents a script from running without the required elements.

Long description

The #Requires statement prevents a script from running unless the PowerShell version, modules (and version), and edition prerequisites are met. If the prerequisites aren't met, PowerShell doesn't run the script or provide other runtime features, such as tab completion.


#Requires -Version <N>[.<n>]
#Requires -Modules { <Module-Name> | <Hashtable> }
#Requires -PSEdition <PSEdition-Name>
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

For more information about the syntax, see ScriptRequirements.

Rules for use

A script can include more than one #Requires statement. The #Requires statements can appear on any line in a script.

Placing a #Requires statement inside a function doesn't limit its scope. All #Requires statements are always applied globally, and must be met, before the script can execute.


Even though a #Requires statement can appear on any line in a script, its position in a script doesn't affect the sequence of its application. The global state the #Requires statement presents must be met before script execution.


Get-Module AzureRM.Netcore | Remove-Module
#Requires -Modules AzureRM.Netcore

You might think that the above code shouldn't run because the required module was removed before the #Requires statement. However, the #Requires state had to be met before the script could even execute. Then the first line of the script invalidated the required state.


-Assembly <Assembly path> | <.NET assembly specification>


The -Assembly syntax is deprecated. It serves no function. The syntax was added in PowerShell 5.1 but the supporting code was never implemented. The syntax is still accepted for backward compatibility.

Specifies the path to the assembly DLL file or a .NET assembly name. The Assembly parameter was introduced in PowerShell 5.0. For more information about .NET assemblies, see Assembly names.

For example:

#Requires -Assembly path\to\foo.dll
#Requires -Assembly "System.Management.Automation, Version=,
  Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"

-Version <N>[.<n>]

Specifies the minimum version of PowerShell that the script requires. Enter a major version number and optional minor version number.

For example:

#Requires -Version 6.0

-Modules <Module-Name> | <Hashtable>

Specifies PowerShell modules that the script requires. Enter the module name and an optional version number.

If the required modules aren't in the current session, PowerShell imports them. If the modules can't be imported, PowerShell throws a terminating error.

The #Requires statement doesn't load class and enumeration definitions in the module. Use the using module statement at the beginning of your script to import the module, including the class and enumeration definitions. For more information, see about_Using.

For each module, type the module name (<String>) or a hashtable. The value can be a combination of strings and hashtables. The hashtable has the following keys.

  • ModuleName - Required Specifies the module name.
  • GUID - Optional Specifies the GUID of the module.
  • It's also Required to specify at least one of the three below keys.
    • ModuleVersion - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
    • MaximumVersion - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
    • RequiredVersion - Specifies an exact, required version of the module. This can't be used with the other Version keys.


RequiredVersion was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0. MaximumVersion was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.

For example:

Require that AzureRM.Netcore (version 0.12.0 or greater) is installed.

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="AzureRM.Netcore"; ModuleVersion="0.12.0" }

Require that AzureRM.Netcore (only version 0.12.0) is installed.

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="AzureRM.Netcore"; RequiredVersion="0.12.0" }

Requires that AzureRM.Netcore (version 0.12.0 or lesser) is installed.

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="AzureRM.Netcore"; MaximumVersion="0.12.0" }

Require that any version of AzureRM.Netcore and PowerShellGet is installed.

#Requires -Modules AzureRM.Netcore, PowerShellGet

When using the RequiredVersion key, ensure your version string exactly matches the version string you require.

Get-Module AzureRM.Netcore -ListAvailable
    Directory: /home/azureuser/.local/share/powershell/Modules

ModuleType Version Name            PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ----            --------- ----------------
Script     0.12.0  AzureRM.Netcore Core

The following example fails because 0.12 doesn't exactly match 0.12.0.

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="AzureRM.Netcore"; RequiredVersion="0.12" }

-PSEdition <PSEdition-Name>

Specifies a PowerShell edition that the script requires. Valid values are Core for PowerShell and Desktop for Windows PowerShell.

For example:

#Requires -PSEdition Core


When this switch parameter is added to your #Requires statement, it specifies that the PowerShell session in which you're running the script must be started with elevated user rights. The RunAsAdministrator parameter is ignored on a non-Windows operating system. The RunAsAdministrator parameter was introduced in PowerShell 4.0.

For example:

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator


The following script has two #Requires statements. If the requirements specified in both statements aren't met, the script doesn't run. Each #Requires statement must be the first item on a line:

#Requires -Modules AzureRM.Netcore
#Requires -Version 6.0

See also