IQStreamable<TPayload> Interface

Represents a base interface for parts of a temporal stream query with the specified type of payload.

Namespace:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.dll)


Public Interface IQStreamable(Of TPayload) _
    Inherits IStreamable(Of TPayload), IQStreamable
Dim instance As IQStreamable(Of TPayload)
public interface IQStreamable<TPayload> : IStreamable<TPayload>, 
generic<typename TPayload>
public interface class IQStreamable : IStreamable<TPayload>, 
type IQStreamable<'TPayload> =  
        interface IStreamable<'TPayload>
        interface IQStreamable 
JScript does not support generic types and methods.

Type Parameters

  • TPayload
    The type of the payload.

The IQStreamable<TPayload> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Expression Gets expression describing the query part. (Inherited from IQStreamable.)
Public property Provider Gets the LINQ provider for the temporal stream query part. (Inherited from IQStreamable.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method AlterEventDuration<TPayload> Alters the duration of events without affecting start time. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method AlterEventLifetime<TPayload> Alters the lifetime of events. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method AlterEventStartTime<TPayload> Alters the start time of events without affecting duration. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(Func<Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, Int32, IRemoteObserver<EdgeEvent<TPayload>>>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to edge event observer parameterized on high-water mark and offset. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(IRemoteObserver<EdgeEvent<TPayload>>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to edge event observer sink. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(IRemoteObserver<IntervalEvent<TPayload>>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to interval event observer sink. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(Func<Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, Int32, IRemoteObserver<IntervalEvent<TPayload>>>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to interval event observer parameterized on high-water mark and offset. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(IRemoteObserver<TPayload>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to observer sink. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(IRemoteStreamableSink<TPayload>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream source to temporal stream sink. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(IRemoteObserver<PointEvent<TPayload>>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to point event observer sink. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Bind<TPayload>(Func<Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, Int32, IRemoteObserver<PointEvent<TPayload>>>) Overloaded. Binds temporal stream to point event observer parameterized on high-water mark and offset. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ClipEventDuration<TSource, TClip>(IQStreamable<TClip>, Expression<Func<TSource, TClip, Boolean>>) Overloaded. Clips the end time of events in source to the start time of the next corresponding event in clip matching predicate. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method ClipEventDuration<TSource, TClip, TKey>(IQStreamable<TClip>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TClip, TKey>>) Overloaded. Clips the end time of events in source to the start time of the next corresponding event in clip with a equivalent key value. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method CountWindow<TPayload> Produces a windowed stream based on a count. Each window consists of events with count unique start times. The window slides when a new event arrives with a distinct start time. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Deploy<TPayload> Deploys a remote temporal stream. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method GroupBy<TPayload, TKey>(Expression<Func<TPayload, TKey>>) Overloaded. Partition operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method GroupBy<TSource, TKey, TResult>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>) Overloaded. Partition operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) Overloaded. Produces a windowed stream based on window definition. Hopping windows are characterized by a window duration and a hop size representing the window period. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, DateTime) Overloaded. Produces a windowed stream based on window definition. Hopping windows are characterized by a window duration and a hop size representing the window period. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Join<TLeft, TRight, TKey, TResult> Joins events with coincident lifetimes and matching key values. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method LeftAntiJoin<TLeft, TRight>(IQStreamable<TRight>, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, Boolean>>) Overloaded. Returns left events when they do not coincide with any matching right events where events are matched based on predicate. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method LeftAntiJoin<TLeft, TRight, TKey>(IQStreamable<TRight>, Expression<Func<TLeft, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TRight, TKey>>) Overloaded. Returns left events when they do not coincide with any matching right events where events are matched by key. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Multicast<TSource>(Expression<Func<IQStreamable<TSource>, IRemoteStreamableBinding>>) Overloaded. Defines a streamable binding based given a source. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method Multicast<TSource, TResult>(Expression<Func<IQStreamable<TSource>, IQStreamable<TResult>>>) Overloaded. Multicast operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Select<TSource, TResult> Projection operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method SelectMany<TLeft, TRight, TResult> Cross-join operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method ShiftEventTime<TPayload> Shifts events by offsets specified by the shiftSelector parameter. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method SnapshotWindow<TPayload> Produces a windowed stream based on snapshots. Windows are defined by event boundaries in source. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method ToEdgeEnumerable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToEdgeObservable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToEnumerable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToIntervalEnumerable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToIntervalObservable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToObservable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToPointEnumerable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method ToPointEventStream<TPayload> Turns events in the input stream into point events. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method ToPointObservable<TPayload> Converts temporal stream to sequence. (Defined by RemoteProvider.)
Public Extension Method TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan) Overloaded. Produces a windowed stream based on window definition. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, DateTime) Overloaded. Produces a windowed stream based on window definition. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Union<TPayload> Union operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)
Public Extension Method Where<TPayload> Selection operator. (Defined by QStreamable.)


See Also


Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace