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Microsoft.Workflow.Client Namespace


The Microsoft.Workflow.Client namespace provides classes that allow you to create and manage workflow service client.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass ActivityDescription

Represents the workflow activity description.

System_CAPS_pubclass ActivityManager

Allows managing workflow activities in the current scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass ActivityNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the activity does not exist.

System_CAPS_pubclass ActivityValidationException

Represents the errors during the validation of the activity.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationException

Represents the authentication exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientSettings

The class for representing settings used by WorkflowManagementClient

System_CAPS_pubclass DebugTraceRecord

Represents a debug trace record.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExternalVariableSchemaContext

Represents a XAML schema context for external variable.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpWorkflowNotificationPublisher

Represents the HTTP workflow notification publisher.

System_CAPS_pubclass InstanceManager

Allows retrieving and managing workflow instances.

System_CAPS_pubclass InternalServerException

Represents the errors encountered in the internal server.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidRequestException

Represents an error when the client request is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass PublisherErrorEventArgs

Provides data for the publisher error event.

System_CAPS_pubclass PublishNotificationCompleteEventArgs

Represents the notification to publish when the event argument is complete.

System_CAPS_pubclass PublishNotificationErrorEventArgs

Provides data for the publish notification error event.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeDescription

Description of a scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeInactiveException

The exception that is thrown when the scope is not active.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeManager

Allows managing the current scope and child scopes.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the scope name does not exist.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeRevisionMismatchException

The exception that is thrown when the scope revision is not equal.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeSnapshotInfo

Represents an information about the scope snapshot.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScopeSnapshotNotFoundException

The exception that is thrown when the scope snapshot is not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServiceReadOnlyException

Represents a service read-only exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServiceVersionMismatchException

The exception that is thrown when the service version is not equal.

System_CAPS_pubclass StatusHistoryRecord

Represents the status history record.

System_CAPS_pubclass SubscriptionActivationDescription

Activation Description for workflows activated using pub-sub mechanism.

System_CAPS_pubclass SubscriptionActivationParameters

Activation Parameters for workflows activated using pub-sub mechanism.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowActivationDescription

Represents the base class for specifying how instances of this workflow can be activated.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowActivationParameters

Base class for workflow activation parameters

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowCommunicationException

The exception that is thrown for a workflow communication error.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowConfiguration

Represents a configuration of a workflow in Microsoft Azure Workflow.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowDescription

Represents a workflow as a resource that can be published to or retrieved from Microsoft Azure Workflow.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowEndpointNotFoundException

The exception that is thrown when the workflow endpoint is not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowInstanceInfo

Represents information about a workflow instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowInstanceNotFoundException

Represents an error when the instance of the workflow is not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowManagementClient

Represents a client for interacting with Microsoft Azure Workflow Management API.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowManagementException

Represents the errors that the workflow management encounters.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowManager

Allows managing workflows and starting workflows.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown a client workflow does not exist.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowNotification

Notification sent to Microsoft Azure Workflow for pub-sub activation and messaging.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowNotificationPublisher

Represents a workflow notification publisher.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowQuotaExceededException

The exception that is thrown when the workflow quota exceeded.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowResourceNotFoundException

The exception that is thrown when workflow resource is not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowServiceManager

Represents a client class for configuring and upgrading an installation of Microsoft Azure Workflow.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowStartParameters

Set of parameters used to explicitly start a workflow instance


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum ApplyScopeSnapshotStatus

Enumerates the values for the apply scope snapshot status.

System_CAPS_pubenum CaptureScopeSnapshotStatus

Enumerates the status values for capture scope snapshot.

System_CAPS_pubenum PublishWorkflowNotificationResult

Enumerates the notification results of the publish workflow.

System_CAPS_pubenum ScopeStatus

Enum representing a status of a Scope.

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