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EmailDynamicValueConstants members

Defines the constants used to build dynamic values for a task email.

The EmailDynamicValueConstants type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AssignedTo The individual or group to whom the task email is to be assigned. Contains the assignedTo string.
Public fieldStatic member Description The body of the email message. Contains the description string.
Public fieldStatic member DueDate The due date assigned to the task. Contains the dueDate string.
Public fieldStatic member RelatedItemLinkListId The related item link to the task’s list identifier. Contains the relatedItemLinkListId string.
Public fieldStatic member RelatedItemLinkListItemId The related item link to the task list’s item identifier. Contains the relatedItemLinkListItemId string.
Public fieldStatic member RelatedItemLinkListItemIndexId
Public fieldStatic member RelatedItemTitle The title of the task’s related item. Contains the relatedItemTitle string.
Public fieldStatic member RelatedItemUrl The URL of the task’s related item. Contains the relatedItemUrl string.
Public fieldStatic member TaskUrl The link to the task. Contains the taskUrl string.
Public fieldStatic member Title The title of the task. Contains the title string.


See also


EmailDynamicValueConstants class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.Activities namespace