Using Password Synchronization
To use password synchronization, you must configure the Active Directory domain, the management agents that connect to the target data sources to be managed for password synchronization, and the server running Microsoft® Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 R2. For general information about password synchronization, see Password Management. For a detailed password synchronization Step by Step Guide, see the Microsoft Web site.(
The PCNS components must be installed on each Active Directory domain controller in the Active Directory domain that is participating in password synchronization. If the PCNS is not installed and running on an Active Directory domain controller, then any password changes that originate on that Active Directory domain controller are not synchronized with FIM. Running the file Password Change Notification Service.msion each Active Directory domain controller installs the following components:
Component | Installed to folder |
Password change notification service (Pcnssvc.exe) |
\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification |
Password change notification configuration utility (Pcnscfg.exe). For more information, see Pcnscfg: Password Change Notification Service (PCNS) Configuration Utility |
\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification |
Password change notification filter (Pcnsflt.dll) |
%systemroot%\system32 |
During the PCNS installation, the Active Directory schema is verified to ensure that classes and attributes needed to run the PCNS are available. If not, you are prompted to log on as a member of the Schema Admins group, and run the following: MSIEXEC.EXE /i "Password Change Notification Service.msi" SCHEMAONLY=TRUE. This extends the Active Directory schema with object classes and attributes needed to install and configure the PCNS. The schema only needs to be extended once for each Active Directory forest. The schema modifications are replicated to all other domain controllers. These attributes are not configured to be stored in the global catalog or indexed. The following classes and attributes are added during the schema extension:
Schema Object Classes Added by the PCNS
CN | ID |
1.2.840.113556.1.5.249 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-Service |
1.2.840.113556.1.5.250 |
Schema Attributes Added by the PCNS
CN | ID |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1895 |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1896 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetServer |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1897 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetAuthenticationService |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1898 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetUserNameFormat |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1899 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetKeepAliveInterval |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1900 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetDisabled |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1901 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetEncryptionKey |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1902 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-ServiceMaxQueueLength |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1903 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-ServiceMaxQueueAge |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1904 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-ServiceMaxNotificationRetries |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1905 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-ServiceRetryInterval |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1906 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetExclusionSID |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1908 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetInclusionSID |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1909 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetQueueWarningLevel |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1911 |
MS-MIIS-PCNS-TargetQueueWarningInterval |
1.2.840.113556.1.4.1912 |
If you are installing the PCNS on multiple Active Directory domain controllers, Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) can be used to install Password Change Notification Service.msi remotely. For more information, see the Microsoft Web Site. (
After installing PCNS, you will need to configure the service principal name (SPN) for the server running FIM.
The SPN cannot be set on a local account, and therefore the FIM Synchronization Service service account must configured as a domain account. To change the FIM Synchronization Service service account from a local account to a domain account, create the domain account, re-run FIM setup in repair mode and specify the new domain account.
The SPN is configured by using setspn.exe, a utility included with the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools, and Windows Server 2003 Support Tools on the Windows Server 2003 operating system disk. Setspn.exe can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web Site.(
To set the SPN for the server running FIM, type the following command at the command prompt:
setspn.exe -ASPN prefix/FIMservername Domain\FIMAccount
SPN prefix is a user-defined name to indicate that this is a target server for the PCNS, for example "PCNSCLNT"
FIMservername is the fully qualified domain name of the server running FIM, for example
FIMservername must be a fully qualified domain name for authentication to be successful.
Domain\FIMAccount is the Domain\User Name of the FIM Synchronization Service service account. Although an SPN is usually assigned to a computer account, the SPN is assigned to the FIM Synchronization Service service account for password synchronization.
The SPN must be unique and cannot appear on any other account or the Kerberos authentication fails and passwords do not flow. If you receive an error indicating that the SPN was found on more than one account, you can determine which accounts the SPN is on by using ldifde.exe: ldifde -faccounts.txt-r "(servicePrincipalName=SPNprefix)" -l "cn,dn,servicePrincipalName" where: accounts.txt is the name and path of the user-specified output file SPNprefix is the SPN prefix specified when you ran setspn.exe.
For each management agent that is a target for password synchronization:
Enable password management for that management agent.
For file-based and database management agents, specify the password extension name.
Determine whether to stop with an error or continue the synchronization if a non-secure connection is detected for the target data source.
Configure the time FIM waits before reattempting a failed password operation.
Set the maximum number of times that a failed password operation is retried.
For more information about configuring management agents for password synchronization, see Configure Password Management and Specify Rules Extensions.
Select which Active Directory partitions to enable as password synchronization sources.
Select which management agents are targets for password synchronization events from the Active Directory source, and the maximum number of password changes to process.
For more information, see Configure Directory Partitions.
- For security reasons, password synchronization is not enabled by default. When you enable password synchronization, the RPC server on the server running FIM is started. For more information, see Enable Password Synchronization.
If the PCNS is already configured on the Active Directory domain before password synchronization is enabled, password change events could be in the PCNS queue, and can be lost if FIM is not fully configured. Therefore, ensure that all target management agents and sources are configured before enabling password synchronization on FIM.
Whenever a password change operation completes, the history is saved in the FIM Synchronization Service database in SQL Server. Because a large number of password change operations can increase the size of the database, it is recommended that you save and clear the password change history on a regular basis to limit performance issues on the server running SQL Server. For information about clearing the password change history, see the FIM Developer Reference.
Both FIM and the PCNS use the Application log to record activity and failure events. For learning about password synchronization, it is recommended that you set the logging level to high and monitor the Application log closely during the initial configuration and rollout of password synchronization.
For FIM, there are four logging levels that are controlled by adding the FeaturePwdSyncLogLevel (REG_DWORD) entry to the following registry subkey:
0 = Minimal Logging
1 = Normal logging (default)
2 = High logging
3 = Verbose logging
For PCNS, there are four logging levels that are controlled by adding the EventLogLevel (REG_DWORD) entry to the following registry subkey:
0 = Minimal Logging
1 = Normal logging (default)
2 = High logging
3 = Verbose logging
Forefront Identity Manager synchronization events
Error level 0 events (always logged)
Event Severity Description 6908
The password set operation retry has exceeded the limit.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of the target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target user object
- Target ID: Target object ID
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
Password synchronization has been enabled for FIM.
Password synchronization has been disabled for FIM.
Password notification was received for the account but was not processed because it is the FIM Synchronization Service service account.
- AccountName: The target account name that the password change was requested for.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Password Last Change Time: The time the password was last changed for the target account.
- Source Object GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Delivery Attempt
- Source User Name: The user account that originated the password change request.
The connection from a password notification source failed because it is not a Domain Controller service account.
- Domain: Name of the source domain where the password change request originated.
- Server: Name of the source server where the password change request originated.
An error has occurred during authentication to the password notification source.
FIM has detected that the database has been restored from backup. Password synchronization is disabled on the server running FIM.
A password notification was received but was not processed because the maximum number of changes for this connector space object in a 24-hour period has been reached.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Source Object GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source DN: Distinguished name of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source management agent name
- Maximum changes
- Current Change
The password synchronization set operation was not processed because password management is not enabled on the target management agent. The operation will not be retried.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of the target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target object
- Target ID: Target object ID
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
The password synchronization set operation was not processed because password management is not configured on the target management agent. The operation will not be retried.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of the target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target object
- Target ID: Target object ID
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
The password queue history operation was completed successfully.
- Count: Number of entries deleted
- User: User account that initiated the call
The password queue clear operation was completed successfully.
- Count: Number of entries deleted
- User: User account that initiated the call
A password notification was received but could not be processed because the corresponding management agent is not enabled as a password synchronization source, or has no target management agents configured.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Source Object GUID: GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source DN: Distinguished name of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source management agent name
The password synchronization set operation failed because the password does not satisfy the password policy of the target system. The operation will not be retried.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target Object GUID: GUID of the target user object
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target user object
- Target management agent name: Display name of target management agent
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
The password synchronization set operation failed because the password extension for the target management agent is not configured to support password set operations. The operation will not be retried.
- Count: Number of entries deleted
- User: User account that initiated the call
Error level 1 events
Event Severity Description 6901
The password failed to go out to the target management agent.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target user object
- Target ID: Target object ID
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
The password synchronization set operation was not processed because the target connector space object could not be found in the connected directory. The operation will not be retried.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target user object
- Target ID: ID of the target user object
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
Error level 2 events
Event Severity Description 6902
The password successfully went out to the target management agent.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target user object
- Target ID: ID of the target user object
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
A password notification was received from the password change notification service.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Password Last Change Time: The time the password was last changed for the target account.
- Source Object GUID: GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Delivery Attempt
- Source User Name: Display name of the user account that originated the password change request.
A password notification was rejected by FIM because it could not be located in the connector space.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Source Object GUID: GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
A password notification was rejected by FIM because the object was not joined to another connector space object through the Metaverse.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Source Object GUID: GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source DN: Distinguished name of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source management agent name
A password notification was rejected by FIM because the management agent that the object resides in has no target management agents specified for password synchronization.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Source Object GUID: GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source DN: Distinguished name of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source management agent name
A password notification was successfully staged in FIM for synchronization.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target Object GUID: GUID of the target user object
- Target management agent name: Display name of target management agent
The password notification caller has successfully authenticated as a Domain Controller of the following domain:
- Domain: Name of the source domain where the password change request originated.
- Server: Name of the source server where the password change request originated.
A password notification was received but was not processed because the timestamp was out of date. This could be caused by the Domain Controller sending password changes out of order.
- Last password timestamp: The time the password was last changed on the target account.
- Current password timestamp: The timestamp of the current password change request.
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Source Object GUID: GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source DN: Distinguished name of the user account that originated the password change request.
- Source management agent name
A password synchronization set operation was not performed because the timestamp was out of date. The operation will not be retried.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- Reference ID: Reference ID of the password change request
- Target management agent name: Display name of target management agent
- Target DN: Distinguished name of target user object
- Target ID: Target user object ID
- RetryCount: Number of retries attempted
Error level 3 events
Event Severity Description 6909
A heartbeat has been received from Active Directory.
- ServerName
PCNS events
Error level 0 events
Event Severity Description 2001
The password change notification service started.
The password change notification service stopped.
A new notification queue has been created.
An existing notification queue was found.
- n notifications read from disk
- n notifications expired
- n notifications have no targets
- n notifications queued for delivery
The queue size for target targetname has decreased below the configured warning level. There are n notifications queued for this target. The configured queue size warning level for this target is queuesize.
The configuration was loaded, however, there are no active targets configured. No passwords will be queued.
The configuration was refreshed. There are no active targets configured. No passwords will be queued.
The target server has not responded to a password notification. The target server may be busy or not responding. The password change notification service will continue to wait for a response.
- Thread ID
- Tracking ID
- User GUID
- User
- Target
- Delivery Attempts
The target server has not responded to a status query. The target server may be busy or not responding. The password change notification service will continue to wait for a response.
- Thread ID
- Target
The queue size for target targetname has reached or exceeded the configured warning level. There are n notifications queued for this target. The configured queue size warning level for this target is queuesize.
The configuration information does not exist in Active Directory. The service will stop.
An existing notification queue was found.
- n notifications read from disk
- n notifications expired
- n notifications have no targets
- n notifications queued for delivery
The remainder of the queue was corrupt. The file has been saved as file name. A new queue has been created.
The handshake between the password filter and the service failed. The service will stop.
An error occurred translating the user GUID into a valid user name.
An error occurred decrypting the password for object object GUID.
There was an error opening the registry key key name.
Error reading a value from the registry.
- Key: Name of the key attempted to read
- Value: Value of the key attempted to read
- Error: Error returned
There was an error writing a value to the registry.
Key: Name of the registry key attempted to write to
Value: Value attempted to write to the registry key
Error: Error returned
The signature in the notification header is invalid. This notification is being discarded with an Access Denied error.
The SID in the notification structure is invalid. This notification is being discarded with an Access Denied error.
The number of bytes requested from the queue file did not match the number of bytes read.
- Bytes Requested: n
- Bytes Read: n
An error occurred seeking at offset n in the queue file.
An error occurred while reading the queue file.
The signature in the queue file header is invalid. The queue file will be renamed and a new one will be created.
The queue file is invalid. The hash length in the queue file header does not match the hash length returned by the Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). The queue file will be renamed and a new one will be created.
The queue file header is invalid. The queue file will be renamed and a new one will be created.
The queue file entry at offset n is invalid. The queue file will be renamed and a new one will be created.
An error occurred while writing the queue file.
An error was returned from the CryptoAPI.
An error occurred while copying a string value.
The data is very large and cannot be processed. The notification will be discarded.
- Account: User account that initiated the call
The thread thread id received an RPC exception.
- Error code: Error description
- RPC extended error information, if available
This machine is not a domain controller. The password change notification service will stop.
The service failed to create an RPC binding for target target name. The target is being disabled. Password changes will not be queued for this target.
- Thread ID: ID
A target thread terminated unexpectedly. The service will shutdown.
There are more than 50 targets configured in Active Directory, which exceeds the maximum supported by the service. The service will stop.
The PCNS configuration container has been deleted from Active Directory. The service will stop.
The service was unable to open the queue for target target name. The thread will stop.
Thread ID: ID
The registry value value is not defined as type registry type. This value will be ignored and the default value value will be used.
An unexpected error occurred.
- Error code: Error description
Error level 1 events
Event Severity Description 2100
The password notification has been delivered to all targets.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: User account that initiated the call
- Targets: list of target servers
Target target name is disabled. Password changes will not be queued for this target.
Target target name is enabled. Password changes will be queued for this target
The configuration for Target target name has been deleted. n pending notifications have been updated to remove this target from the list.
The password change notification service is stopping.
The password change notification service is starting.
The service configuration has changed. The new configuration is listed below.
- Maximum Queue Length: maximum number of password changes that can be stored. Unlimited = 0
- Maximum Queue Age: maximum time, in seconds, a password changes can remain in the queue before being discarded. Unlimited = 0.
- Maximum Notification Retries: maximum number of attempts to notify the target server. Unlimited = 0
- Retry Interval: how often, in seconds, a failed notification will be retried. An integer from 10-3600.
The connection information for target target name has changed. The new connection information is listed below.
- Server: server address
- Service Principal Name: SPN
- Authentication Service: Kerberos
The password notification could not be delivered to all targets.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
- Successful Targets: target list
- Failed Targets: target list
The Active Directory object for account accountname could not be found. This can happen if the account was deleted after the password was set, but before the password notification was received by the service.
Error level 2 events
Event Severity Description 2201
The password notification was received from the filter.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
- Targets: list of targets
The target target name requested a delay in notifications of n seconds. All notifications to this target will be delayed until time.
This password notification has exceeded the retry limit for the target.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
- Target: target name
There are no active targets configured. The following password notification will not be queued for delivery.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
While loading the queue file from disk, all targets scheduled for the following password notification have been disabled or deleted from the configuration. This notification is being discarded.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
While refreshing the server configuration, all targets scheduled for the following password notification have been disabled or deleted from the configuration. This notification is being discarded.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
While refreshing the server configuration, the following password notification has expired or exceeds the configured maximum queue length. This notification is being discarded.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
While loading the queue file from disk, the following password notification has expired. This notification is being discarded.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
The target target name requested an invalid delay in notifications of n seconds. The delay has been adjusted to n seconds. All notifications to this target will be delayed until time.
The target target name requested a negative delay in notifications of n seconds. This will be ignored and notifications will continue at the current retry or keep-alive interval.
The following password notification has expired or exceeds the configured maximum queue length. This notification is being discarded.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
Error level 3 events
Event Severity Description 2300
A thread has been started to send notifications to target target name.
The thread for target target name has stopped
The following notification has been sent.
- Thread ID: ID
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
- Target: Name of the target server
- Delivery Attempts: n
The password notification security filter has blocked the following notification.
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
- Target: Name of the target server
A negative acknowledgement was received for the following notification:
- Thread ID: ID
- Tracking ID: ID of the tracking entry
- User GUID: The GUID of the user account that originated the password change request.
- User: The user account that originated the password change request
- Target: Name of the target server
- Delivery Attempts: n
FIM also records password change information for auditing purposes. These audit logs are exposed through the WMI interface. For information about password management and WMI, see the FIM Developer Reference.