DPM report types


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center Data Protection Manager 2010, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

In System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM) you can create and customize new reports and historical reports.

  • New report—These are created dynamically based on the options you select. They are ad-hoc reports that aren’t saved for future reference unless you export them.

  • Historical report—These are created and saved for future reference when you schedule a report, with the options you select. When you schedule a report you can specify that a maximum of 18 reports can be saved in history for a specific report type.

Report types

There are six standard reports you can generate, review, and analyze. These are summarized in the following table.

Report Type Description Common questions
Status reports Status of all recovery points for a specified period, lists recovery jobs, and shows the total successes and failures for recovery points and recovery point creations.

Shows trends in the frequency of errors that occur and lists the number of alerts.
Why aren’t protection objectives being met?

A recovery point is only created if the corresponding synchronization job succeeded. Otherwise a scheduled recovery point won’t be created.
Disk utilization reports Summary view of disk capacity, allocation, and usage of disk space for the DPM storage pool. The data is collected per computer and is aggregated for all computers.

Use this report to identify the costs associated with backup for various protected computers plus identify trends in disk usage to plan for capacity.
How do I determine if DPM is running low on disk space?

The following might indicate disk space is running out:

- Disk Used size is within 70-80% of Total Disk Capacity. Add disks to the storage pool.
- Disk Used size is close to Disk Allocated size. Increase disk space allocated to replicas.
- Disk Allocated space close to Total Disk Capacity. If you want to protect new volumes add disks or stop protecting old volumes.

 How do I see disk utilization for collocated data sources?

Group display options by protection group. Select Modify disk allocation and click Collocated Protection on the DPM Server tab.

 Why isn’t disk utilization for inactive replicas reported correctly?

Current information for replicas that were removed or added on the day the report was generated isn’t displayed. Wait for at least a day after the change was made.

 How do I know if the change journal is running out of space?

You can check the current size limit of the change journal (Windows USN journal) on the disk allocation settings for a protection group.

By default the change journal size limit is 300 MB. It’s cyclic so the journal will be overwritten when it’s full. You can increase the size limit but not decrease it.

An alert is added when the change journal runs out of space.

If you see errors indicating that synchronization is failing due to USN journal wrap issue, this indicates that you need to increase the change journal limit size.
Recovery reports Statistic on on recoveries initiated by the administrator. Collected per computer or protection group and aggregated for all computers.

Pie charts include all data being protected by DPM.
Why is the number of recovery job failures increasing?

This might be due to increased network outage or job cancelations.
Tape management reports Information for managing tape rotation and decommissioning tapes. Displays which tapes are due to be brought back from recycling. The data is collected per library and aggregated for all libraries. A decommissioned tape still appears in the report. How do I update settings?

Remove the tape, restart the tape library, run an inventory and restart.

 What happens when a tape expires?

When the data expires return it to the library for reuse. Expired tapes that haven’t been returned will be marked Overdue in the report.

 What is a free tape threshold?

It’s the number of tapes in a library that are available or use by DPM. If the number is equal or less that the free tape threshold value in the report add a free tape or backup jobs will fail.
Tape utilization reports Information about tape utilization to assist in capacity planning and making decisions about allocating additional tapes. How often should I run a report?

Whenever you need to make capacity decisions. Probably about once a quarter.

 How do I determine when tape capacity will run out?

If you notice tape usage increasing estimate the percentage of tapes you’ll use over the next report period. If the trend is upward estimate needs accordingly.

The report shows unrecognized tapes. What should I do?

If a tape shows Unknown you need DPM to recognize the tape. A tape created by the DPM server will display the assigned tape label. A tape created by another DPM server will be marked Imported. A tape that doesn’t contain content created by DPM will be marked as Unrecognized.
Recovery point status reports Information about the recovery point status of all selected data sources. High-level view of whether backup service-level agreements (SLAs) are being met for every data source.

If a minimum of one good recovery point is present in the specified recovery point window status will be green. A blank window indicates no recovery point is present.
Where do I view this report?

You can view it from the Reporting or Protection tabs.