Compatibility View

Some companies track website statistics, such as how many times their content is accessed and what type of browsers are being used. You can track the use of your customized version of Internet Explorer by using a user agent string, which is sent in the header of every HTTP request so that a site's web server can detect what type of browser is being used.

In this page in the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard 10, you can customize the user agent string by adding characters to the end of the string. Customizing the user agent string is optional, but if you decide to do this, be aware that other companies that track site statistics will see the customized string.


Customizations made on this page apply to Internet Explorer for the desktop.

Item Details

Use Internet Explorer 10 standards mode (default)

Click Use Internet Explorer 10 standards mode (default) to use the Internet Explorer 10 standards mode user agent string (MSIE 10.0).

Use Compatibility View (Internet Explorer 7 modes)

Click Use Compatibility View to use the Internet Explorer Compatibility View user agent string (MSIE 7.0).

Append to user agent string

The string you type in this box is appended to the user agent string for the customized browser. You do not need to customize the user agent string unless you want to track the usage of your custom browser.

Additional references

  • For more information about this stage of the Internet Explorer 10 Customization Wizard, see Customizing the Browser.