Edit Federation Route Settings


Topic Last Modified: 2012-01-24

To set a site federation route assignment, you must first have federation enabled on the Edge Server or Edge Server pool. If federation is not enabled on the Edge Server or pool, the federation route assignment settings for the site will not be available for modification.

If the federation setting at the Edge Server or pool has been configured, you select Enable at the site level. You then select an Edge or a Director from the drop-down to set as the federation route. To do this, do the following:

  1. Select the site to change.

  2. Right-click the site name.

  3. Click Edit Properties.

  4. Select Enable for the federation route.

  5. Select the the Edge Server or Edge Server pools in the drop down.


This global setting will affect all sites. Be sure that the setting that you are configuring at this site is appropriate for all sites. Note that a local definition for the federation route takes precedent over the global setting. If you have multiple sites with Edge Servers or Edge Server pools deployed with the intent purpose of providing service for that site, you can define a SIP federation at the site level.
If you prefer to use the Lync Server Management Shell, see the –FederationRoute cmdlet parameter in Set-CsSite.