Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Serialization Namespace


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

This API supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IDeserializationStartCallback

Indicates that a class is to be notified when deserialization of the entire object graph has been started.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IExtensibleOnDemandObjectLoader

Represents an interface that demand the object loader.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IObjectOnDemandLoader

Represents an object on demand loader.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IOnDemandLoaderExtender

Represents an on demand loader extender.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISerializationStartCallback

Defines that a class to be notified when serialization of the entire object graph has been started.

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