No rows were updated.

The change you made will not be committed to the database. There are many possible reasons why this can occur, for example, if you enter a row that violates a unique key constraint, add a row with NULL in fields where NULL values are not accepted, or have a trigger on the table that does not include a ‘set nocount’ statement in it (and the trigger causes multiple rows to be updated).

The information on the error message box provides the best guidance as to what exactly has happened.

  • The first sentence tells you the number of the row that could not be committed. If you were changing several rows, it will show the number of the first row that could not be committed.

  • Error Source: is followed by the name of the component that has detected the problem.

  • Error Message: is followed by details about why the changes cannot be committed to the database.

To correct this error, read the information in the message box (particularly the Error Message text) to try to determine why the changes cannot be committed, then try to make the changes you want with those limitations in mind. For example, if you want to copy a row to duplicate all but the unique fields, copy and paste the row and change the values of fields that have unique constraints before exiting the pasted row.