Define Cube Dimension Properties

Applies to: SQL Server Analysis Services Azure Analysis Services Fabric/Power BI Premium

A cube dimension is an instance of a database dimension within a cube. A database dimension can be used in multiple cubes, and multiple cube dimensions can be based on a single database dimension. The following table describes the properties of a cube dimension.

Property Description
AllMemberAggregationUsage Controls how aggregations are designed by the Aggregation Designer in Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server Analysis Services. This property can have the following values:

Full: Every aggregation for the cube must include the All member.

None: No aggregation for the cube can include the All member. This is the default value.

Unrestricted: No restrictions are placed on the Aggregation Designer.

Default: The same functionality as Unrestricted.
Description Provides a descriptive name for the level.
DimensionID Contains the unique identifier (ID) of the database dimension.
HierarchyUniqueNameStyle Determines how unique names are generated for hierarchies that are contained within the cube dimension. This property can have the following values:

The name of the dimension is included as part of the name of the hierarchy. This is the default value.

The name of the dimension is not included as part of the name of the hierarchy.
ID Contains the unique identifier of the cube dimension.
MemberUniqueNameStyle Determines how unique names are generated for members of hierarchies contained within the cube dimension. This property can have the following values:

SQL Server Analysis Services automatically determines the unique names of members. This is the default value.

NamePath: SQL Server Analysis Services generates a compound name consisting of the name of each level and the caption of the member.
Name Contains the friendly name of the cube dimension. By default, the name of a cube dimension is the same as the name of the database dimension, unless another cube dimension of the same name is already defined.
Visible Determines whether the cube dimension is visible. The default value is True.

See Also

Dimensions (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)