Right-click the Operators folder and select New Operator.
The following options are available on the General page of the New Operator dialog box:
Change the name of the operator.
Enable the operator. When not enabled, no notifications are sent to the operator.
E-mail name
Specifies the e-mail address for the operator.
Net send address
Specify the address to use for net send.
Pager e-mail name
Specifies the e-mail address to use for the operator's pager.
Pager on duty schedule
Sets the times at which the pager is active.
Monday - Sunday
Select the days that the pager is active.
Workday begin
Select the time of day after which SQL Server Agent sends messages to the pager.
Workday end
Select the time of day after which SQL Server Agent no longer sends messages to the pager.
The following options are available on the Notifications page of the New Operator dialog box:
View the alerts in the instance.
View the jobs in the instance.
Alert list
Lists the alerts in the instance.
Job list
Lists the jobs in the instance.
Notify this operator using e-mail.
Notify this operator by sending e-mail to the pager address.
Net send
Notify this operator using net send.