Reorganize Indexes (General Page)

Use this dialog box to reorganize an index. Using this dialog box is equivalent to running DBCC INDEXDEFRAG. To access it, expand a table in Object Explorer, right-click Indexes or a specific index, and then click Reorganize or Reorganize All.

  • Index name
    Displays the name of the selected index.

  • Table name
    Displays the name of the table on which the index is defined.

  • Index type
    Displays the type of the index: Clustered, Nonclustered, Spatial, or XML.

  • Total fragmentation
    Displays the percent of fragmentation found in the index.

  • Status
    Displays the progress of the index reorganization operation.

  • Message
    Displays error messages produced during the operation.

  • Compact large object column data
    If this check box is selected, the operation compacts all pages containing large object data. The data types image, text, ntext, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and xml are large object data types. Compacting this data can result in better disk space utilization. The option is ignored if large object columns are not present.