sys.service_broker_endpoints (Transact-SQL)
Applies to:
SQL Server
This catalog view contains one row for the Service Broker endpoint. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.tcp_endpoints view that contains the TCP configuration metadata. TCP is the only allowed protocol for Service Broker.
Column name | Data type | Description |
<inherited columns> | -- | Inherits columns from sys.endpoints (Transact-SQL). |
is_message_forwarding_enabled | bit | Does endpoint support message forwarding. This is initially set to 0 (disabled). Not NULLABLE. |
message_forwarding_size | int | The maximum number of megabytes of tempdb space allowed to be used for messages being forwarded. This is initially set to 10. Not NULLABLE. |
connection_auth | tinyint | The type of connection authentication required for connections to this endpoint, one of: 1 - NTLM 2 - KERBEROS 3 - NEGOTIATE 4 - CERTIFICATE 5 - NTLM, CERTIFICATE 6 - KERBEROS, CERTIFICATE 7 - NEGOTIATE, CERTIFICATE 8 - CERTIFICATE, NTLM 9 - CERTIFICATE, KERBEROS 10 - CERTIFICATE, NEGOTIATE Not NULLABLE. |
connection_auth_desc | nvarchar(60) | Description of the type of connection authentication required for connections to this endpoint, one of: NTLM KERBEROS NEGOTIATE CERTIFICATE NTLM, CERTIFICATE KERBEROS, CERTIFICATE NEGOTIATE, CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE, NTLM CERTIFICATE, KERBEROS CERTIFICATE, NEGOTIATE NULLABLE. |
certificate_id | int | ID of certificate used for authentication, if any. 0 = Windows Authentication is being used. |
encryption_algorithm | tinyint | Encryption algorithm. The following are the possible values with their descriptions and corresponding DDL options. 0 : NONE. Corresponding DDL option: Disabled. 1 : RC4. Corresponding DDL option: {Required | Required algorithm RC4}. 2 : AES. Corresponding DDL option: Required Algorithm AES. 3 : NONE, RC4. Corresponding DDL option: {Supported | Supported Algorithm RC4}. 4 : NONE, AES. Corresponding DDL option: Supported Algorithm AES. 5 : RC4, AES. Corresponding DDL option: Required Algorithm RC4 AES. 6 : AES, RC4. Corresponding DDL option: Required Algorithm AES RC4. 7 : NONE, RC4, AES. Corresponding DDL option: Supported Algorithm RC4 AES. 8 : NONE, AES, RC4. Corresponding DDL option: Supported Algorithm AES RC4. Not NULLABLE. |
encryption_algorithm_desc | nvarchar(60) | Encryption algorithm description. The possible values and their corresponding DDL options are listed below: NONE : Disabled RC4 : {Required | Required Algorithm RC4} AES : Required Algorithm AES NONE, RC4 : {Supported | Supported Algorithm RC4} NONE, AES : Supported Algorithm AES RC4, AES : Required Algorithm RC4 AES AES, RC4 : Required Algorithm AES RC4 NONE, RC4, AES : Supported Algorithm RC4 AES NONE, AES, RC4 : Supported Algorithm AES RC4 NULLABLE. |
The RC4 algorithm is only supported for backward compatibility. New material can only be encrypted using RC4 or RC4_128 when the database is in compatibility level 90 or 100. (Not recommended.) Use a newer algorithm such as one of the AES algorithms instead. In SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later versions, material encrypted using RC4 or RC4_128 can be decrypted in any compatibility level.
The visibility of the metadata in catalog views is limited to securables that a user either owns, or on which the user was granted some permission. For more information, see Metadata Visibility Configuration.