Validate Subscription

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database

Use the Validate Subscription dialog box to specify that a subscription to a merge publication should be validated the next time the Merge Agent for the subscription runs. The results of validation are displayed in Replication Monitor. For more information, see Validate Data at the Subscriber.

It is also possible to validate all subscriptions to a merge publication by right-clicking a publication in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and clicking Validate All Subscriptions.


Azure SQL Managed Instance can be a publisher, distributor, and subscriber for snapshot and transactional replication. Databases in Azure SQL Database can only be push subscribers for snapshot and transactional replication. For more information, see Transactional replication with Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance.


Date of the last attempted validation
The date of the last Merge Agent session that included subscription validation, whether or not that validation was successful.

Date of the last successful validation
The date of the last Merge Agent session that included a successful subscription validation.

Validate this subscription
Select to validate the subscription.

Click to access the Subscription Validation Options dialog box, which allows you to specify whether to use row count validation or binary checksum validation.

See Also

Validate Replicated Data