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Database Schemas (General Page)

Use this page to view or modify schemas for the selected database. This page is accessed in two ways: either by right-clicking Schemas in Object Explorer and clicking New Schema, or by right-clicking an existing schema and clicking Properties. If you right-click an existing schema and click Properties, Schema name cannot be changed.

A schema is a collection of database objects that are owned by a single user and form a single namespace. A namespace is a set of objects that cannot have duplicate names. For example, two tables can have the same name only if they are in separate schemas. A database object such as a table is owned by a schema, and the schema is owned by a database user, or role. When the owner of a schema leaves the organization, transfer the ownership of the schema to a new user or role before the departing user is deleted.


  • Schema name
    Displays the name of the schema.

  • Schema owner
    Displays the database user or role that owns the schema.

  • Search
    Search for a list of possible owners.