sys.server_principals (Transact-SQL)
Applies to:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Analytics Platform System (PDW)
Contains a row for every server-level principal.
Microsoft Entra ID was previously known as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
Column name | Data type | Description |
name | sysname | Name of the principal. Is unique within a server. |
principal_id | int | ID number of the Principal. Is unique within a server. |
sid | varbinary(85) | Security Identifier (SID) of the principal. A Windows principal's SID matches their Windows SID. A Microsoft Entra user identity's SID is the binary representation of its Microsoft Entra object ID. A Microsoft Entra group's SID is the binary representation of its Microsoft Entra object ID. A Microsoft Entra application's SID is the binary representation of its Microsoft Entra client ID. |
type | char(1) | Principal type: S = SQL login R = Server role Available in SQL Server, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and PDW (In preview in Azure SQL Database): E = External login or application from Microsoft Entra ID X = External group from Microsoft Entra ID Available in SQL Server, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and PDW (not Azure SQL Database): U = Windows login G = Windows group C = Login mapped to a certificate K = Login mapped to an asymmetric key |
type_desc | nvarchar(60) | Description of the principal type: SQL_LOGIN SERVER_ROLE Available in SQL Server, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and PDW (In preview in Azure SQL Database): EXTERNAL_LOGIN EXTERNAL_GROUP Available in SQL Server, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and PDW (not Azure SQL Database): WINDOWS_LOGIN WINDOWS_GROUP CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_LOGIN ASYMMETRIC_KEY_MAPPED_LOGIN |
is_disabled | int | 1 = Login is disabled. 0 = Login is enabled. |
create_date | datetime | Time at which the principal was created. |
modify_date | datetime | Time at which the principal definition was last modified. |
default_database_name | sysname | Default database for the principal. |
default_language_name | sysname | Default language for the principal. |
credential_id | int | ID of a credential associated with the principal. If no credential is associated with this principal, credential_id is NULL. |
owning_principal_id | int | The principal_id of the owner of a server role. NULL if the principal is not a server role. |
is_fixed_role | bit | Returns 1 if the principal is one of the built-in server roles with fixed permissions. For more information, see Server-Level Roles. |
Any login can see their own login name, the system logins, and the fixed server roles. Viewing other logins requires ALTER ANY LOGIN, or a permission on the login. Viewing user-defined server roles requires ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE, or membership in the role.
In Azure SQL Database, only the following principals can see all logins:
- members of the server role ##MS_LoginManager## or special database role loginmanager in
- the Microsoft Entra admin and SQL server admin
The visibility of the metadata in catalog views is limited to securables that a user either owns, or on which the user was granted some permission. For more information, see Metadata Visibility Configuration.
The following query lists the permissions explicitly granted or denied to server principals.
SELECT pr.principal_id,, pr.type_desc,
pe.state_desc, pe.permission_name
FROM sys.server_principals AS pr
JOIN sys.server_permissions AS pe
ON pe.grantee_principal_id = pr.principal_id;
The permissions of fixed server roles (other than public) do not appear in sys.server_permissions. Therefore, server principals may have additional permissions not listed here.
Security Catalog Views (Transact-SQL)
Catalog Views (Transact-SQL)
Principals (Database Engine)
Permissions Hierarchy (Database Engine)