Format Pager Addresses for Alerts (SQL Server Management Studio)

This topic describes how to format pager addresses for Microsoft SQL Server Agent alerts in SQL Server 2012 by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.

In This Topic

  • Before you begin:


  • To format pager addresses, using:

    SQL Server Management Studio

Before You Begin



By default, members of the sysadmin fixed server role can view information about an alert. Other users must be granted the SQLAgentOperatorRole fixed database role in the msdb database.

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Using SQL Server Management Studio

To format pager addresses

  1. In Object Explorer, click the plus sign to expand the server that contains the alert that you want to send to a pager.

  2. Right-click SQL Server Agent and select Properties

  3. Under Select a page, select Alert System.

  4. In the To line and CC line boxes of the Address formatting for pager e-mails field, enter the pager address prefix or suffix. The operator's actual pager address is inserted when a notification is sent.

  5. In the Subject box, enter the subject line prefix or suffix.

  6. Select the Include body of e-mail in notification page check box to include the full e-mail message with the pager message (as opposed to the subject line only).

  7. When finished, click OK.

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