Tip: Use a cmdlet to Create a User account and Mailbox in Exchange 2010

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In the Exchange Management Shell, you can create a user account with a mailbox by using the New-Mailbox cmdlet.

Here’s an example of the syntax and usage.

Note: When you are prompted, enter a secure password for the new user account.



New-Mailbox -Name Name -Password Password
-UserPrincipalName UserNameAndSuffix 
[-MailboxPlan <MailboxPlanIdParameter>] {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -Password Password -WindowsLiveID WindowsLiveId
[-EvictLiveId {$true | $false}] [-MailboxPlan MailboxPlanId]
{AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -UserPrincipalName UserNameAndSuffix
[-MailboxPlan MailboxPlanId] {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -UseExistingLiveId {$true | $false} -WindowsLiveIDWindowsLiveId 
[-MailboxPlan MailboxPlanId] {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -Shared {$true | $false} -UserPrincipalNameUserNameAndSuffix
 [-Password Password] {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -Room {$true | $false} -UserPrincipalNameUserNameAndSuffix
 [-Password Password] {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -Equipment {$true | $false} -UserPrincipalNameUserNameAndSuffix
 [-Password Password] {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -LinkedDomainController DCName
-LinkedMasterAccount Identity -UserPrincipalName UserNameAndSuffix
[-LinkedCredential Credential] [-Password Password]{AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -ImportLiveId {$true | $false}
 -WindowsLiveIDWindowsLiveId {AddtlParams} {ModParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -Arbitration {$true | $false} -UserPrincipalNameUserNameAndSuffix
 [-Password Password] {AddtlParams}
New-Mailbox -Name Name -FederatedIdentity FederatedId -WindowsLiveIDWindowsLiveId {AddtlParams}

[-ArbitrationMailbox ModeratorMailbox] [-ModeratedBy Moderators][-ModerationEnabled <$true | $false>]
 [-SendModerationNotifications<Never | Internal | Always>]

[-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy MailboxPolicyId] [-Alias ExchangeAlias] [-Archive {$true | $false}] 
[-Database DatabaseId] [-DisplayName Name] [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName] [-FirstName FirstName] 
[-Initials Initials] [-LastName LastName] [-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy MailboxPolicyId] 
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed {$true | $false}] [-Organization OrgName] [-OrganizationalUnit OUName] 
[-PrimarySmtpAddress SmtpAddress] [-QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled <$true | $false>] 
[-RemoteAccountPolicy RemoteAccountPolicyId] [-ResetPasswordOnNextLogon <$true | $false>] 
[-SamAccountName PreWin2000Name] [-SharingPolicy SharingPolicyId] [-ThrottlingPolicy ThrottlingPolicyId]


New-Mailbox -Name "Shane S. Kim" -Alias "shanek" -OrganizationalUnit "cpandl.com/Engineering" 
-Database "Engineering Primary" -UserPrincipalName "shanek@cpandl.com" -SamAccountName "shanek" -FirstName "Shane" 
-Initials "S" -LastName "Kim" -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true -Archive $true

From the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant by William R. Stanek.

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