Tip: Backup and Restore Personal Folders in Outlook
Backing Up Personal Folders
The Microsoft Office Online site (office.microsoft.com) offers a Personal Folders Backup Tool as a free download. To use this tool, be sure to download the appropri¬ate version for your version of Outlook and then exit Outlook before installing the tool. After you download and install the backup tool, you can back up a user’s personal folders by completing the following steps:
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1. Log on as the user, and then start Outlook.
2. In Outlook, on the File menu, click Backup.
3. Click Options.Select the check boxes for the personal folders you want to back up.
4. Click Browse.Navigate to the location where you want to save the backup, and then click Open.
5. To remind users to create personal folder backups, select the Remind Me To Backup Every … Days check box, specify the reminder interval, and then click OK.
6. Click Save Backup.
7. Exit Outlook so that the backup process can begin.
Restoring Backed-Up Personal Folder Data
After you’ve created a backup of a personal folder, you can recover any backed-up messages or data by following these steps:
1. In Outlook, open the .pst file as discussed previously in the “Creating New or Opening Existing Personal Folders” section.
2. Drag messages or data entries from the backup personal folder to the current personal folder.You’ll restore the selected items.
To recover the entire .pst file from backup, follow these steps:
1. In Outlook, on the Tools menu, click Account Settings.
2. In the Account Settings dialog box, click the Data Files tab.Write down the name and folder location of the damaged .pst file.
3. Exit Outlook.
4. In Windows Explorer, rename the damaged .pst file.
5. In Windows Explorer, copy the backup .pst file to the folder containing the original .pst file.
6. In Windows Explorer, give the backup .pst file the original name of the .pst file.
7. Restart Outlook.
From the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant by William R. Stanek.
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