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Tip: Use Windows Update to Check for Updates to other Microsoft Products

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By default, Windows Update can download and install updates for Windows 7 and features that are part of the operating system (such as Internet Explorer). You can also merge the functionality of Microsoft Update—a service for managing updates to Microsoft Office and several other Microsoft products—into Windows Update so that you no longer need to visit Office Online to get updates.

If you do not already have Windows Update integrated with Microsoft Update, you will see the message “Get updates for other Microsoft products” on the Windows Update home page. To enable checking for other products, click the Find Out More option shown beside this message. This will take you to the Microsoft Update site for some quick installation steps. You only need to do this once. Thereafter, the Windows Update home page will indicate that you receive updates “For Windows and other products from Microsoft Update.”

From the Microsoft Press book Windows 7 Inside Out by Ed Bott, Carl Siechert, and Craig Stinson.

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