The DRS_MSG_REPSYNC_V2 structure defines a request message sent to the IDL_DRSReplicaSync method.

 typedef struct {
   [ref] DSNAME* pNC;
   UUID uuidDsaSrc;
   [unique] [string] char* pszDsaSrc;
   ULONG ulOptions;
   GUID correlationID;
   [unique] VAR_SIZE_BUFFER_WITH_VERSION* pReservedBuffer;

pNC: A pointer to DSName of the root of an NC replica on the server.

uuidDsaSrc: The DSA GUID.

pszDsaSrc: The transport-specific NetworkAddress of a DC.

ulOptions: The DRS_OPTIONS flags.

correlationID:  An identifier for the operation that the DC can use for implementation-defined troubleshooting. There are no normative constraints on this value, nor does the value figure in any normative processing rules.

pReservedBuffer:  A pointer to a VAR_SIZE_BUFFER_WITH_VERSION structure (section 5.219). MUST be a null pointer.