Install multiple Windows features


This example shows how you can use the WindowsFeatureSet composite resource to ensure multiple Windows features are installed with their subfeatures.

With Ensure set to Present, IncludeAllSubFeature set to $true, and Name set to the array of Telnet-Client and RSAT-File-Services, the resource installs the Telnet-Client and RSAT-File-Services Windows features and their subfeatures if they're not already installed.

With LogPath set to C:\LogPath\Log.log, if the resource needs to install Telnet-Client or RSAT-File-Services, the resource writes the installation logs to C:\LogPath\Log.log.

With Invoke-DscResource

The Invoke-DscResource cmdlet doesn't support invoking composite resources. Instead, use the WindowsFeature resource.

With a Configuration

This snippet shows how you can define a Configuration with a WindowsFeatureSet resource block to ensure that the Telnet-Client and RSAT-File-Services Windows features are installed with their subfeatures.


There's a limitation in machine configuration that prevents a DSC Resource from using any PowerShell cmdlets not included in PowerShell itself or in a module on the PowerShell Gallery. This example is provided for demonstrative purposes, but because the DSC Resource uses cmdlets from the DISM module, which ships as one of the Windows modules, it won't work in machine configuration.

Configuration Install {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDscResources'

    Node localhost {
        WindowsFeatureSet ExampleWindowsFeatureSet {
            Name                 = @(
            Ensure               = 'Present'
            IncludeAllSubFeature = $true
            LogPath              = 'C:\LogPath\Log.log'