DSC Configuration document schema reference


The YAML or JSON file that defines a DSC Configuration.


SchemaDialect: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema
SchemaID:      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/config/document.json
Type:          object


DSC Configurations enable users to define state by combining different DSC Resources. A configuration document uses parameters and variables to pass to a set of one or more resources that define a desired state.

A configuration document can be defined as either YAML or JSON. For ease of authoring, Microsoft recommends drafting configuration documents in YAML.

For DSC's authoring tools to recognize a file as a DSC Configuration document, the filename must end with .dsc.config.json, .dsc.config.yml, or .dsc.config.yaml.

You can use configuration document functions to dynamically determine values in the document at runtime. For more information, see DSC Configuration document functions reference

The rest of this document describes the schema DSC uses to validation configuration documents.


Required Properties

Every configuration document must include these properties:

  • [$schema]
  • [resources]



The $schema property indicates the canonical URL of the version of this schema that the document adheres to. DSC uses this property when validating the configuration document before any configuration operations.

There are currently 3 published versions of the schema, compatible with different versions of DSC:

  • 2024/04 is the latest version of the schema, compatible with DSC version 3.0.0-preview.7 and later.
  • 2023/10 is the previous version of the schema, compatible with DSC versions 3.0.0-alpha.4 and 3.0.0-alpha.5.
  • 2023/08 is the first version of the schema, compatible with DSC versions 3.0.0-alpha.1 through 3.0.0-alpha.3.

This documentation is for the latest version of the schema. You should update your configuration documents and resource manifests to the latest version of the schema. Prior versions don't work with new releases of DSC. The schemas remain published, but won't get any updates.

For every version of the schema, there are three valid urls:

  • .../config/document.json

    The URL to the canonical non-bundled schema. When it's used for validation, the validating client needs to retrieve this schema and every schema it references.

  • .../bundled/config/document.json

    The URL to the bundled schema. When it's used for validation, the validating client only needs to retrieve this schema.

    This schema uses the bundling model introduced for JSON Schema 2020-12. While DSC can still validate the document when it uses this schema, other tools may error or behave in unexpected ways.

  • .../bundled/config/document.vscode.json

    The URL to the enhanced authoring schema. This schema is much larger than the other schemas, as it includes additional definitions that provide contextual help and snippets that the others don't include.

    This schema uses keywords that are only recognized by VS Code. While DSC can still validate the document when it uses this schema, other tools may error or behave in unexpected ways.

Type:        string
Required:    true
Format:      URI
ValidValues: [


The metadata property defines a set of key-value pairs as annotations for the configuration. DSC doesn't validate the metadata. A configuration can include any arbitrary information in this property.

Type:     object
Required: false


The parameters property defines a set of runtime options for the configuration. Each parameter is defined as key-value pair. The key for each pair defines the name of the parameter. The value for each pair must be an object that defines the type keyword to indicate how DSC should process the parameter.

Parameters may be overridden at run-time, enabling re-use of the same configuration document for different contexts.

For more information about defining parameters in a configuration, see DSC Configuration document parameter schema.

Type:                object
Required:            false
ValidPropertySchema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/config/document.parameter.json


The variables property defines a set of reusable values for the resources in the document as key-value pairs. The key for each pair defines the name of the variable. Resources that reference the variable by name can access the variable's value.

This can help reduce the amount of copied values and options for resources in the configuration, which makes the document easier to read and maintain. Unlike parameters, variables can only be defined in the configuration and can't be overridden at run-time.

Type:     object
Required: false


The resources property defines a list of DSC Resource instances that the configuration manages. Every instance in the list must be unique, but instances may share the same DSC Resource type.

For more information about defining a valid resource instance in a configuration, see DSC Configuration document resource schema.

Type:             array
Required:         true
MinimumItemCount: 1
ValidItemSchema:  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/config/document.resource.json