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RetailTransactionService::searchOrderList Method [AX 2012]

Method returns a list of retail transactions that match the passed in criteria.


client server public static container searchOrderList(
    RetailTransactionId _transactionId, 
    SalesId _salesId, 
    RetailReceiptId _receiptId, 
    RetailOrderChannelReferenceId _channelRefId, 
    CustAccount _custAccount, 
    str _custFirstName, 
    str _custLastName, 
    RetailStoreId _storeId, 
    RetailTerminalId _terminalId, 
    RetailItemId _itemId, 
    RetailBarcode _barcode, 
    RetailStaffId _staffId, 
    str _startDate, 
    str _endDate, 
    boolean _includeDetails, 
   [RetailReceiptEmail _receiptEmailAddress, 
    String50 _seachIdentifiers, 
    int _resultsMaxCount, 
    str _retailTransactionTypes, 
    InventSerialId _serialNumber, 
    str _transactionStatusTypes])

Run On



  • _custFirstName
    Type: str
    First name of customer who is linked to the RetailTransactionTable.
  • _custLastName
    Type: str
    Last name of customer who is linked to the RetailTransactionTable.
  • _startDate
    Type: str
    RetailTransactionTable.CreatedDateTime field greater than or equal to startDate.
  • _endDate
    Type: str
    RetailTransactionTable.CreatedDateTime field less than or equal to endDate.
  • _includeDetails
    Type: boolean
    Whether to include all order information including order lines and attributes.
  • _seachIdentifiers
    Type: String50 Extended Data Type
    SeachIdentifiers to math against the RetailTransactionTable with the following fields TransactionId ReceiptId SalesId CustomerAccount ChannelRefId
  • _resultsMaxCount
    Type: int
    The maximum amount of rows to return (default is 20).
  • _retailTransactionTypes
    Type: str
    Transaction types to be returned.
  • _transactionStatusTypes
    Type: str
    Transaction's entry status to match against the RetailTransactionTable.EntryStatus field.

Return Value

Type: container
A list of orders that match all of the criteria parameters.

See Also


RetailTransactionService Class