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InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp.performUpdate Method [AX 2012]

Changes the InventDim record of the supplied table if it has to be consistent with InventTrans records.


protected void performUpdate(
    TableId _tableId, 
    FieldId _inventDimIdFieldId, 
    FieldId _inventTransIdFieldId, 
    boolean _checkAllFinanciallyUpdated, 
   [container _conPrimaryTableRanges, 
    container _conInventTransExtraJoins, 
    TableId _tableIdSecondary, 
    FieldId _inventDimIdFieldIdSecondary, 
    container _conSecondaryTableJoins, 
    container _conSecondaryTableRanges, 
    FieldId _dateComparisonFieldIdSecondary])

Run On



  • _inventDimIdFieldId
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the field in the primary table that refers to the InventDim table.
  • _inventTransIdFieldId
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the field in the primary table that refers to the InventTrans record.
  • _checkAllFinanciallyUpdated
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that specifies whether InventTrans records with the same InventTransId value must be financially updated for the clean up to occur.
  • _conPrimaryTableRanges
    Type: container
    A container that has any extra pair of values where the first value is the field ID of the primary table and the second value is the value the field should be; optional.
  • _conInventTransExtraJoins
    Type: container
    A container that has any extra pair of fields that is to be joined between InventTrans and the primary table; optional.
  • _tableIdSecondary
    Type: TableId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the secondary table from which to take the site for the primary table; optional.
  • _inventDimIdFieldIdSecondary
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the field in the secondary table that refers to an InventDim buffer, which will be used to get the site for the primary table; optional.
  • _conSecondaryTableJoins
    Type: container
    A container with any pair of fields that will be joined between the primary and the secondary table; optional.
  • _conSecondaryTableRanges
    Type: container
    A container with any pair of values where the first value is the field ID of the secondary table and the second value is the value the field should be; optional.
  • _dateComparisonFieldIdSecondary
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the field in the secondary table that contains a date value that identifies whether records in the primary table should be selected or not. Basically it is a substitute for the date comparison on the InventTrans table and should only be used when the InventTrans table is not used, that is, when the _inventTransIdFieldId parameter is zero.


Exception Condition

There has been an update conflict with multiple processes trying to update a value at the same time.


There has been an update conflict which could not be resolved after multiple retries

See Also


InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp Class