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RetailPricingEngine::getActivePrice Method [AX 2012]

Gets the active retail channel price for a given sales line and customer.

This includes all the retail pricing logic, including channel price trade agreements, customer trade agreements, base price lookup, and retail price adjustments.

Basic flow is: 1. Try to find trade agreement price for customer 2. If none, try to find trade agreement price for channel 3. If none, use the item's base price 4. Use price found above and feed into retail price adjustment search.

This price is always less than or equal to the price found above



The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
          client server public static Price getActivePrice(
            RecId _channelId, 
            SalesLine _salesLine, 
            SalesQty _quantity, 
            PriceGroupId _customerPriceGroup, 
            AccountNum _customerAccount, 
            utcdatetime _dateToCheck)

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
          client server private static Price getActivePrice(
            RecId _channelId, 
            SalesLine _salesLine, 
            SalesQty _quantity, 
            PriceGroupId _customerPriceGroup, 
            AccountNum _customerAccount, 
            utcdatetime _dateToCheck)

Run On



  • _quantity
    Type: SalesQty Extended Data Type
    The quantity to consider. Overrides the line quantity because we need to consider transaction quantity.
  • _dateToCheck
    Type: utcdatetime
    The date and time of the active price

Return Value

Type: Price Extended Data Type
Retail channel price for the sales line.

See Also


RetailPricingEngine Class