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Microsoft.Data.OData Namespace

The OData Library defines a set of low-level programming interfaces that enable components to serialize and deserialize messages in the Open Data Protocol (OData) formats. This enables applications and services to interact with an OData endpoint without having to use the entire WCF Data Services product.


  Class Description
Public class InstanceAnnotationCollection Obsolete. Represents an annotation to capture all of the custom instance annotations on an ODataAnnotatable. This class is now obsolete. Instead of using this class to read and write Instance Annotations, use the InstanceAnnotations property on the OData object model instance being annotated. For example, to serialize or deserialize custom annotations on an entry, use the InstanceAnnotations property on ODataEntry.
Public class ODataAction Represents an OData action.
Public class ODataAnnotatable Represents the base class for all annotatable types in OData library.
Public class ODataAssociationLink Represents an association link.
Public class ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage Displays a message representing an operation in a batch request.
Public class ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage Displays a message representing an operation in a batch response.
Public class ODataBatchReader Represents a class for reading OData batch messages; also verifies the proper sequence of read calls on the reader.
Public class ODataBatchWriter Writes OData batch messages; also verifies the proper sequence of write calls on the writer.
Public class ODataCollectionReader Represents the base class for OData collection readers.
Public class ODataCollectionStart OData representation of a top-level collection.
Public class ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo Class to provide additional serialization information to the ODataCollectionWriter for an ODataCollectionStart.
Public class ODataCollectionValue OData representation of a Collection.
Public class ODataCollectionWriter Represents the base class for OData collection writers.
Public class ODataComplexValue Represents the OData complex value.
Public class ODataConstants Constant values used by the OData or HTTP protocol or OData library.
Public class ODataContentTypeException Exception type representing exception when Content-Type of a message is not supported.
Public class ODataEntityReferenceLink Represents an OData entity reference link.
Public class ODataEntityReferenceLinks Represents a collection of entity reference links.
Public class ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo Class to provide additional serialization information to the ODataMessageWriter for an ODataEntityReferenceLink.
Public class ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo Class to provide additional serialization information to the ODataMessageWriter for an ODataEntityReferenceLinks.
Public class ODataEntry Represents a single entity.
Public class ODataError Represents an error payload.
Public class ODataErrorException Represents an in-stream error parsed when reading a payload.
Public class ODataException Represents an exception in the OData library.
Public class ODataFeed Describes a collection of entities.
Public class ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo Class to provide additional serialization information to the ODataWriter for an ODataEntry.
Public class ODataFormat Enumerates the format type in connection to processing OData payloads.
Public class ODataFunction Represents an OData function.
Public class ODataInnerError Contains properties used to implement specific debugging information to help determine the cause of the error.
Public class ODataInstanceAnnotation Represents an instance annotation.
Public class ODataItem Represents the base class for ODataFeed and ODataEntry classes.
Public class ODataMessageExtensions Represents extension methods to IODataRequestMessage and IODataResponseMessage.
Public class ODataMessageQuotas Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when reading or writing OData messages.
Public class ODataMessageReader Represents the reader class used to read all OData payloads (entries, feeds, metadata documents, service documents, and so on).
Public class ODataMessageReaderSettings Represents the configuration settings for OData message readers.
Public class ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase Represents a base configuration settings for OData message readers.
Public class ODataMessageWriter Represents the writer class used to write all OData payloads (entries, feeds, metadata documents, service documents, and so on).
Public class ODataMessageWriterSettings Represents the configuration settings for OData message writers.
Public class ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase Represents the Base Configuration settings for OData message writers.
Public class ODataNavigationLink Represents a single link.
Public class ODataNullValue Represents a null property value.
Public class ODataObjectModelExtensions Extension methods on the OData object model.
Public class ODataOperation Represents a function or an action.
Public class ODataParameterReader Base class for OData parameter readers.
Public class ODataParameterWriter Base class for OData collection writers.
Public class ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult Represents the result of running payload kind detection for a specified payload kind and format.
Public class ODataPreferenceHeader Represents the "Prefer" header on an IODataRequestMessage or the "Preference-Applied" header on an IODataResponseMessage.
Public class ODataPrimitiveValue Represents a primitive property value.
Public class ODataProperty Represents a single property of an entry.
Public class ODataPropertySerializationInfo Class to provide additional serialization information to the ODataWriter for an ODataProperty.
Public class ODataReader Represents the base class for OData readers.
Public class ODataResourceCollectionInfo Represents a class that contains collection of information about a resource in a workspace of a data service.
Public class ODataStreamReferenceValue Represents a media resource.
Public class ODataUtils Represents the utility methods used with the OData library.
Public class ODataValue Represents the value of a property.
Public class ODataWorkspace Represents the workspace of a data service.
Public class ODataWriter Represents a base class for OData writers.
Public class ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation Represents an annotation which stores a list of projected properties for an entry.
Public class SerializationTypeNameAnnotation Annotation which stores the type name to serialize.


  Interface Description
Public interface IODataRequestMessage Represents an interface for synchronous OData request messages.
Public interface IODataRequestMessageAsync Represents an interface for asynchronous OData request messages.
Public interface IODataResponseMessage Represents an interface for synchronous OData response messages.
Public interface IODataResponseMessageAsync Represents an interface for asynchronous OData response messages.
Public interface IODataUrlResolver Supports custom resolution of URLs found in the payload.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ODataBatchReaderState Enumeration with all the states the batch reader can be in.
Public enumeration ODataCollectionReaderState Enumerates all the possible states of ODataCollectionReader.
Public enumeration ODataParameterReaderState Enumeration of all possible states of an ODataParameterReader.
Public enumeration ODataPayloadKind Enumerates the different kinds of payloads that ODatLib can write.
Public enumeration ODataPropertyKind The enum of property kinds.
Public enumeration ODataReaderState Enumeration of all possible states of an ODataReader.
Public enumeration ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds Enumerates the behavior of readers when reading undeclared property.
Public enumeration ODataVersion Specifies the OData protocol version.