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Interpreting the Source Control Migration Report

You can view the Source Control Migration Report using a Web browser. The report is generated as an XML file, and the supporting files, such as .XSLT and graphic files, are used to render these files to the user.

Analysis and Migration Report

The report is divided into sections and some sections are divided into subsections. The Critical Error, Error, and Warning sections appear only if there were errors or warnings encountered during migration. Each section of the report is collapsible. You can click the icon in the section head to expand or collapse a section.

Most of the sections and content is the same for both the analysis and the migration report.

The report can contain the sections in the following list. Each of these sections is explained in more detail in this topic.

  • Summary   Summarizes the results of the analysis or migration.


    The number of actions analyzed versus the number of actions migrated might be different because not all analyzed actions are migrated, for example, the archive, restore, purge and destroy actions.

  • Critical Error   If analysis or migration is interrupted because of a fatal error, this section will be included in the report and provide a description of the error that caused analysis or migration to fail.

  • Error   The converter is not always able to migrate or analyze files and folders or specific versions of files and folders because the Visual SourceSafe database you are migrating is corrupted or there is an unhandled case in the converter. This section lists this kind of data loss errors.

  • Warnings   This section contains information about the loss or modification of information because data in Visual SourceSafe could not be migrated to Team Foundation source control. During analysis, the converter will warn about this potential loss of information. You can choose to take steps to prevent the loss of information, or accept that the information will be lost during migration.

  • User Input   The user input section describes the command-line options provided by the user for the converter.


The following table describes the entries in the Summary section of the report:

Entry Description


Shows whether the migration or analysis was successful or not, and indicates the number of errors or warnings. Click the error or warning number to see those sections.

Source Control Version

The source control program and version from which the source was migrated or for which the migration analysis was done.

VSS Database

The path to the Visual SourceSafe database.

Team Foundation Server (Migration Report Only)

The Team Foundation Server to which the source was migrated.

Actions Migrated/Analyzed

The number of actions that were migrated or analyzed.

Start Time

The start time for the migration or analysis.

End Time

The end time for the migration or analysis.

Total Time

The total time it took to run the migration or analysis.

Migration/Analysis done by

The alias of the person who ran the migration or analysis.

Folders Migrated/Analyzed

Lists the folders that were migrated or analyzed.

Critical Error

If analysis or migration is interrupted because of a fatal error, this section will be included in the report and provide a description of the error that caused analysis or migration to fail.


The error section contains information about problems that occurred during the migration or analysis, such as versions of files and folders that could not be migrated. Each error message gives a brief description of the errors that were encountered during migration or analysis, and contains a link to a document that explaining details about the error.

For more information about migration and analysis errors, see Source Control Migration Report Messages.


The Warnings section contains information about problems that occurred during the migration or analysis, such as a loss of data during migration. Each warning gives a brief description of the potential or actual data loss during migration or analysis, and contains a link to a document that explaining details about the error.

For more information about migration and analysis warnings, see Source Control Migration Report Messages.

User Input

The user input section shows you the command-line options that were used to run the conversion.

Entry Description


Shows the command-line entry used to run the migration or analysis.

User Options

Details of the options specified on the command line by the user.

See Also


Source Control Migration Report Messages