net print


This command has been deprecated. However, you can perform many of the same tasks using the prnjobs command, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), PrintManagement in Powershell.

Displays information about a specified printer queue or a specified print job, or controls a specified print job.


net print {\\<computername>\<sharename> | \\<computername> <jobnumber> [/hold | /release | /delete]} [help]


Parameters Description
\\<computername>\<sharename> Specifies (by name) the computer and print queue about which you want to display information.
\\<computername> Specifies (by name) the computer that hosts the print job you want to control. If you do not specify a computer, the local computer is assumed. Requires the <jobnumber> parameter.
<jobnumber> Specifies the number of the print job you want to control. This number is assigned by the computer that hosts the print queue where the print job is sent. After a computer assigns a number to a print job, that number is not assigned to any other print jobs in any queue hosted by that computer. Required when using the \\<computername> parameter.
[/hold | /release | /delete] Specifies the action to take with the print job. If you specify a job number, but don't specify any action, information about the print job is displayed.
  • /hold - Delays the job, allowing other print jobs to bypass it until it is released.
  • /release - Releases a print job that has been delayed.
  • /delete - Removes a print job from a print queue.
help Displays help at the command prompt.


  • The net print\\<computername> command displays information about print jobs in a shared printer queue. The following is an example of a report for all print jobs in a queue for a shared printer named LASER:

    printers at \\PRODUCTION
    Name              Job #      Size      Status
    LASER Queue       3 jobs               *printer active*
    USER1          84        93844      printing
    USER2          85        12555      Waiting
    USER3          86        10222      Waiting
  • The following is an example of a report for a print job:

    Job #            35
    Status           Waiting
    Size             3096
    Submitting user  USER2
    Notify           USER2
    Job data type
    Job parameters
    additional info


To list the contents of the Dotmatrix print queue on the \Production computer, type:

net print \\Production\Dotmatrix

To display information about job number 35 on the \Production computer, type:

net print \\Production 35

To delay job number 263 on the \Production computer, type:

net print \\Production 263 /hold

To release job number 263 on the \Production computer, type:

net print \\Production 263 /release