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Netsh Commands for Wireless Local Area Network (wlan)

The Windows Vista™ Netsh commands for wireless local area network (WLAN) provide methods to configure connectivity and security settings. You can use the Netsh wlan commands to configure the local computer, or to configure multiple computers by using a logon script. You can also use the netsh wlan commands to view wireless Group Policy settings and to administer WISP and user wireless settings.

The wireless Netsh interface has the following benefits:

  • Easier wireless deployment: Provides a light-weight alternative to Group Policy to configure wireless connectivity and security settings.
  • Mixed mode support: Allows administrators to configure clients to support multiple security options. For example, a client can be configured to support both the WPA2 and the WPA authentication standard. This allows the client to use WPA2 to connect to networks that support WPA2 and use WPA to connect to networks that only support WPA.
  • Block undesirable networks: Administrators can block and hide access to non-corporate wireless networks by adding specific networks or network types to the list of denied networks. Similarly, administrators can allow access to corporate wireless networks.

Netsh WLAN commands for wireless interface

You can run these commands directly from the Windows Vista command prompt by typing netsh wlan followed by the command, or by switching to the wlan context by using the following instructions.

Entering the netsh wlan context

  1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK, to open a command prompt.
  2. At the command prompt, type netsh and press Enter, then type wlan and press Enter.
Formatting legend
Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply.


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown.

Ellipsis (…)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line.

Between brackets([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|).

Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one.

Commands in the netsh wlan context

The following commands are available in this context:

  • Netsh command "?" - Displays a list of commands or parameters.
  • add - Adds a filter or profile to the specified wireless interface on the computer.
  • connect - Connects to a wireless network.
  • delete - Removes a filter or profile from the specified wireless interface on the computer.
  • disconnect - Disconnects from a wireless network.
  • dump - Generates and saves a script that contains the current configuration, to the specified location.
  • export - Save WLAN profiles as XML files in the specified location.
  • help - Displays the list of commands.
  • set - Sets wireless configuration information.
  • show - Displays configuration information for the specified wireless interface.

Netsh command "?"

Displays a list of commands or parameters.


CommandName /?


There are no parameters for this command.


Displays a list of commands or parameters.

Example commands:
  • /?
  • add /?
  • delete profile /?

The example command, ?, displays the entire list of commands or parameters supported by netsh.

The example command, add /?, displays a list of commands within the add command.

The example command, delete profile /?, displays a list of parameters for the delete profile command.


Adds a filter or profile to the specified interface on the computer. The following commands are available in this context:

  • add filter - Add a wireless network into the wireless allowed or blocked list.
  • add profile - Add a wlan profile to the specified interface on the computer.

Adds a wireless network to the wireless allowed or blocked list


add filter permission={allow|block| denyall} ssid=WirelessNetworkNamenetworktype={infrastructure| adhoc}


permission {allow|block|denyall}

Required. Specifies the permission type of the filter.


Required [conditional, see "Remarks"]. Specifies the Service Set Identifier (SSID) of the wireless network.

networktype {infrastructure|adhoc}

Required. Specifies the wireless network type (adhoc | infrastructure).


The ssid parameter is required if permission is allow or block. If permission is denyall, do not specify the ssid parameter.

Example commands:

  • add filter permission=allow ssid="SSID1" networktype=infrastructure
  • add filter permission=block ssid="SSID2"networktype=adhoc
  • add filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

Adds a wlan profile to the specified interface on the computer


add profile filename= PathAndFileName [[interface=]InterfaceName] [[user=]{all|current}]



Required. Specifies the path to, and name of the XML file containing the profile data.


Optional. Specifies the name of the interface on which the profile will be set.

user {all | current}

Optional. Specifies whether the profile is applied only to the current user or to all users.


The interface parameter is one of the interface names shown by the netsh wlan show interface command. The profile will be added to the specified interface. There is wildcard support for this parameter. You can use the characters ? and * to replace a letter and letters of the interface name, respectively.

The user parameter, if unspecified, applies the profile to the current user.

Example command:

  • add profile filename=C:\Users\WirelessUser\Documents\"profile1.xml" Interface="Wireless Network Adapter"
  • add profile filename=C:\Profiles\"profile1.xml" interface="W*"


Connects to a wireless network by using the specified parameter


connect[[ssid=]SSIDName] name=ProfileNameinterface= InterfaceName



Optional. Specifies the SSID (name) of the wireless network.


Required. Specifies the name of the profile to use for the connection attempt.


Required [conditional, see "Remarks"]. Specifies the wireless interface that is used for the connection attempt.


The interface parameter is required only if there is more than one wireless interface on the computer. Wildcard (*) names cannot be used to specify the interface name.

If the specified interface is already connected to a wireless network, this command disconnects the interface from that network, and then attempts to connect to the new network. If the command attempts to connect to a network to which the interface is already connected, this command returns a message that the connection was successful, and does not change the state of the wireless adapter.

Example commands:

  • connect ssid=SSID1 name=Profile1
  • connect ssid=SSID2 name=Profile2 interface="Wireless Network Connection"


Deletes a WLAN profile from the specified interface on the computer. The following commands are available in this context:

  • delete filter - Removes a wireless network from the wireless allowed or blocked list.
  • delete profile - Removes a WLAN profile from one or multiple interfaces.

Removes a wireless network from the wireless allowed or blocked list


delete filter permission={allow|block| denyall} ssid=WirelessNetworkNamenetworktype={ infrastructure|adhoc}]


permission {allow | block | denyall}

Required. Specifies the permission type of the filter.


Required [conditional, see "Remarks"]. Specifies the SSID of the wireless network.

networktype {infrastructure | adhoc}

Required. Specifies whether the wireless network type is adhoc or infrastructure.


The ssid parameter is required, unless the value of the permission parameter is denyall. Then the ssid parameter should not be given.

Example commands:

  • delete filter permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure
  • delete filter permission=block ssid=ssid2 networktype=adhoc
  • delete filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

Removes a WLAN profile from one or multiple interfaces


delete profile name= ProfileName [[interface=]InterfaceName]



Required. Specifies the name of the profile to delete.


Optional. Specifies the name of the interface on which the profile is to be deleted.


If the interface parameter is specified, then the profile will be deleted only from the specified interface.

If the interface parameter is not specified, then the profile will be deleted from all interfaces on the computer.

There is wildcard support for this parameter. You can use the characters ? and * to replace a letter and letters of the interface name, respectively.

Example command:

  • delete profile name="Profile 1" interface=Microsoft Wireless Network Connection"
  • delete profile name="Profile 1" interface=*
  • delete profile name="Profile 1" i =*


Disconnects the specified interface from a wireless network


disconnect interface= InterfaceName



Required [conditional, see "Remarks"]. Specifies which wireless interface is used for the disconnect attempt.


The interface parameter is required if there is more than one wireless interface on the computer. Wildcard (*) names cannot be used to specify the interface name.

If the specified interface is not already connected to a wireless network, this command returns a message stating that the disconnection was successful. The state of the wireless adapter does not change.

Example commands:

  • disconnect
  • disconnect interface="Wireless Network Connection"


Generates and saves a script that contains the current configuration to the specified location


dump > PathAndFileName


There are no parameters for this command.


Creates a script that contains the current configuration, which can be used to restore altered configuration settings.

Example command:

  • dump >c:\wlanconfig.txt


Saves WLAN profiles as XML files to the specified location


export profile folder= PathAndFileName [[name=]ProfileName] [[interface=]InterfaceName]



Required. Specifies the path and file name for the profile XML file.


Optional. Specifies the name of the profile to export.


Optional. Specifies the name of the interface on which the profile is configured.


The folder parameter must specify an existing folder that is accessible from the local computer. It can be either an absolute path or relative path to the current working directory. In addition, "." refers to the current working directory, and ".." refers to the parent directory of the current working directory. The folder name cannot be a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.

If the name parameter is specified, then only that profile is saved. Otherwise, if the interface parameter is specified, all wireless profiles on the specified interface are saved. If the interface parameter is not specified, all wireless profiles on the computer are saved.

If the interface parameter is specified, only the specified profile for that interface is saved. Otherwise all profiles on the computer with the specified name are saved.

Profiles of specified interfaces are saved in the file name format "InterfaceName ProfileName.xml." Profiles at the computer level are saved in the file name format "ProfileName.xml."

There is wildcard support for this parameter. You can use the characters ? and * to replace a letter and letters of the interface name, respectively.

Example command:

  • export profile folder=c:\profiles name="Profile1" interface="Wireless Network Connection"
  • export profile folder=. Name="Profile2" interface = *


Displays a list of commands or parameters


CommandName help


There are no parameters for this command.


Displays a list of commands or parameters

Example command:

  • add help
  • delete profile help


Sets the configuration on interfaces. The following commands are available in this context:

  • set autoconfig - Enable or disable Wireless-Auto-Config-Service on the interface.
  • set blockednetworks - Show or hide the blocked networks in the visible network list.
  • set profileorder - Set the connection preference order of wireless network profiles.
  • set tracing - Enable or disable tracing.

Enables or disables WLAN Auto Config Service on an interface


set autoconfig enabled={yes|no} interface=InterfaceName


enabled {yes | no}

Required. Specifies whether to set WLAN Auto Config Service to enabled or disabled.


Required. Specifies the name of the interface on which the service has been enabled or disabled.


When WLAN Auto Config Service is enabled, Windows Windows Vista automatically connects to wireless networks by using the specified interface. By default, autoconfig is enabled.

If autoconfig is disabled, Windows will not automatically connect to any wireless networks by using the specified interface.

There is wildcard support for the interface parameter. You can use the characters ? and * to replace a letter and letters of the interface name, respectively.

Example command:

  • set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Adapter"

Shows or hides the blocked networks in the visible network list


set blockednetworks display={show|hide}


display { show | hide}

Required. Specifies whether to show or hide the blocked networks in the list of available wireless networks. To view the list of available wireless networks, click Start, click Connect to, and then in Show, select Wireless.

Example command:

set blockednetworks display=show


The example command specifies that blocked networks are shown in the list of available networks.

Sets the preference order of a wireless network profile


set profileorder name= ProfileName interface= InterfaceName priority= integer



Required. Specifies the name of the profile to set.


Required. Specifies the name of the interface that has this profile configured.


Required. Specifies the new priority number for the profile.


If parameter priority is set to 0 or 1, the profile will move to the first position in the list, regardless of whether another profile was previously set to 0 or 1. A lower number means a higher priority. There is no limit on the number of profiles you can have on a computer.

Example command:

  • set profileorder name="profile1" interface="Wireless Network Adapter" priority=1

Enables or disables tracing


set tracing [[mode=]{yes|no| persistent}]


mode { yes | no |  persistent}

Required. Specifies whether tracing is disabled, enabled and persistent, or enabled and nonpersistent. See "Remarks" for additional information.


If the mode parameter is set to yes, nonpersistent tracing is active until the mode is either set to no or the computer is restarted.

If the mode parameter is set to no, tracing is stopped for either persistent or nonpersistent tracing.

If the mode parameter is set to persistent, tracing will still be active even after the computer is restarted.

The default value for mode parameter is nonpersistent.

Example command:

  • set tracing mode=persistent,MSDN.10).gif  Note

For Windows Vista Beta 2 and Windows Vista Beta 1, the “set tracing” command syntax is:

set tracing enabled={yes|no} [[mode=] {persistent|nonpersistent}]

The enabled parameter is required. The mode parameter is optional. If the mode parameter is set to persistent, trace logs are always generated until the enabled parameter is set to no.

The default value for the mode parameter is nonpersistent.


Displays information. The following commands are available in this context:

  • Show all - Displays the entire collection of wireless device and wireless networks information.
  • Show autoconfig - Displays whether the Wireless-AutoConfig-Service is enabled or disabled.
  • Show blockednetworks - Displays whether blocked network settings are set to display or hide.
  • show drivers - Displays the properties of the wireless adapter drivers on the computer.
  • show filters - Displays the current list of allowed and blocked wireless networks.
  • show interfaces - Displays a list of the current wireless interfaces on the computer
  • show networks - Displays a list of wireless networks that are visible on the computer.
  • show profiles - Displays a list of wireless profiles that are configured on the computer.
  • show settings - Displays the current global settings of the wireless LAN.
  • show tracing - Displays whether wireless tracing is enabled or disabled.

Displays the entire collection of wireless device and wireless networks information


show all


There are no parameters for this command.


Displays the entire collection of 802.11 wireless interface information, network information, and wireless settings on the system, including:

  • Wireless adapter driver information
  • Wireless interface status
  • Wireless configuration settings
  • Wireless network filters
  • Wireless network profiles list and details
  • Visible wireless networks

Example command:

  • show all

Displays whether Wireless-Auto-Config-Service is enabled or disabled


show autoconfig


There are no parameters for this command.


Displays whether Wireless-Auto-Config-Service is enabled or disabled on each wireless adapter interface.

Example command:

  • show autoconfig

Displays the global setting whether to display or hide blocked networks in the visible network list


show blockednetworks


There are no parameters for this command.


Displays the global setting whether to display or hide blocked networks in the visible network list.

Example command:

show blockednetworks

Displays the properties of the wireless adapter drivers on the computer


show drivers[[interface=]InterfaceName]



Optional. The name of the interface for which driver information is displayed.


Shows the 802.11 wireless LAN interface driver information.

The following list summarizes the type of information presented by this command:

  • Interface name (Wireless Network Connection)
  • Driver (model and type)
  • Vendor (manufacturer name)
  • Provider (driver provider)
  • Date (the date the driver was written)
  • Version (Driver version number)
  • INF file (location of driver INF file)
  • Type (Native Wi-Fi driver or Legacy Wi-Fi driver)
  • Radio types supported (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum [DSSS], 802.11g, 802.11b)
  • Authentication and cipher supported in infrastructure mode (WPA2-Enterprise TKIP; CCMP, Wi-Fi Protected Access [WPA]-Enterprise Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [TKIP]; CCMP, WPA2-Personal TKIP; CCMP, WPA-Personal TKIP; CCMP, Open Wired Equivalent Privacy [WEP], Open None, Shared WEP, Shared None)
  • Authentication supported in ad-hoc mode (Open-WEP, Open-None, Shared WEP)

Example command:

  • show drivers interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Displays the current list of allowed and blocked wireless networks


show filters[[permission=]{allow| block}]


permission {allow or block}

Optional. Specifies whether to show the list of allowed and blocked networks configured on the computer.


If parameter permission is specified, the command displays the list of networks configured on the system that have the specified permission type (allow or block). Otherwise, both the allowed and blocked lists are shown.

Example command:

  • show filters
  • show filters permission=allow
  • show filters permission=block

Displays a list of the current wireless interfaces on a computer


show interfaces


There are no parameters for this command.


Shows the wireless interfaces configured on the computer.

Displayed information includes:

  • The number of interfaces on the computer
  • Name
  • GUID
  • State (connected or disconnected)

Example command:

  • show interfaces

Displays a list of wireless networks that are visible on the computer


show networks[[interface=]InterfaceName] [[mode=] {ssid|bssid}]



Optional. Specifies for which interface the network information is returned.

mode {ssid | bssid}

Optional. Provides detailed Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) information.


Displays the wireless networks available to the computer.

If the interface parameter is specified, only the networks visible to the specified interface are listed. Otherwise, all networks visible to the computer are listed.

If the mode=bssid parameter is specified, then information for the visible BSSIDs for each visible SSID is listed.

Displayed BSSID information includes:

  • Interface name
  • Number of visible networks
  • Network name, by SSID
  • Network type (infrastructure or ad-hoc)
  • Authentication (known as "Security type" in the properties of a wireless profile. Security types include WPA2-Enterprise, WPA2-Personal, WPA-Enterprise, WPA-Personal, WEP and Open.)
  • Encryption method (examples include AES and TKIP)
  • BSSID number (for example, 00:54:96:32:06)
  • Signal strength (by %)
  • Radio Type (for example, 802.11b)
  • Channel (channel number)

If the mode=ssid parameter is specified, then information about each visible SSID is listed.

Displayed SSID information includes:

  • Interface name
  • Number of visible networks
  • Network name, by SSID
  • Network type (infrastructure or ad-hoc)
  • Authentication (known as "Security type" in the properties of a wireless profile. Security types include WPA2-Enterprise, WPA2-Personal, WPA-Enterprise, WPA-Personal, WEP and Open.)
  • Encryption method (examples include AES and TKIP)
  • If the mode parameter is not specified, only SSIDs are listed.

Displayed SSID information includes:

  • Interface name
  • Number of visible networks.
  • Network name, by SSID
  • Network type (infrastructure or ad-hoc)
  • Authentication (access point - network authentication)
  • Encryption method

Example command:

  • show networks interface="Wireless Network Connection"
  • show networks mode=bssid
  • show networks

Displays a list of wireless profiles that are configured on the computer


show profiles[[name=]ProfileName] [[interface=]InterfaceName]



Optional. Specifies the name of the profile to display.


Optional. Specifies the name of the interface which has this profile configured.


Displays the profile data or lists the profiles on the computer.

If the name parameter is specified, then only the content for the specified profile is displayed. If the name parameter is not specified, only the profile name and description are displayed.

If the interface parameter is specified, only the profiles on the specified interface are displayed. If the interface parameter is not specified, all profiles with the specified name are displayed.

Displayed information includes:

  • All Users or Current User Profile
  • Profile name
  • Applied (Current User or All User)
  • Control options
  • Connect automatically or Connect manually
  • Visible SSID or Hidden SSID
  • Connectivity settings:
  • Number of SSIDs (listed by number and SSID)
  • Network type (infrastructure or ad-hoc)
  • Radio type
  • Vendor extension
  • Security settings
  • Number of auth/cipher combinations (for example, auth: WPA2-Enterprise,cipher: TKIP)
  • Security key
  • 802.1X (enabled or disabled)
  • EAP type
  • 802.1X authentication credential
  • Cache user information



Example commands:

  • show profiles name="profile1" interface=Wireless Network Adapter"
  • show profiles name="profile 2"
  • show profiles

Displays the current global settings of the wireless LAN


show settings


There are no parameters for this command.


Shows the global setting for wireless network service, including whether or not WLAN Auto Config Service is enabled on each interface and whether blocked networks are shown or hidden.

Allow and block filter lists are available by using the show filters command.

Example command:

  • show settings

Displays whether wireless tracing is enabled or disabled


show tracing


There are no parameters for this command.


Displayed information includes:

  • Tracing state (enabled or disabled)
  • Tracing persistence state (running or not running)
  • Trace log file location (for example, "c:\Windows\system32 \logfiles\WirelessAutoLog\")

Example command:

  • show tracing
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