IPv6 - Static Routes - New Static Routes

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Dialog box element Description


Lists the available LAN or demand-dial interfaces to be used to forward the IP packet if this route is selected.


Type a destination for the route. The destination can be a host address, subnet address, network address, or the destination for the default route.

Prefix length

Type the prefix length. The prefix is the part of the address that indicates the bits that have fixed values or are the bits of the network identifier. Prefixes for IPv6 routes and subnet identifiers are expressed in the same way as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation for IPv4. An IPv6 prefix is written in address/prefix-length notation. For example, 21DA:D3::/48 is a route prefix and 21DA:D3:0:2F3B::/64 is a subnet prefix.


Type the forwarding IP address for this route. For LAN interfaces, the gateway address must be configured and must be a directly reachable IP address for the network segment of the selected interface. For demand-dial interfaces, the gateway address is not configured or used.


Type the metric, which is the cost associated with this route to reach the destination. The metric is commonly used to indicate the number of routers (hops) to the destination. When deciding between multiple routes to the same destination, the route with the lowest metric is selected as the best route.

Use this route to initiate demand-dial connections

Specifies whether the router initiates a demand-dial connection when this route is selected for packets being forwarded. This check box is only available when a demand-dial interface is selected in Interface.