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DBOption Object

Esta característica se quitará en una versión futura de Microsoft SQL Server. Evite utilizar esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y tenga previsto modificar las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

The DBOption object represents the settings for Microsoft SQL Server database options for a specific SQL Server database.

Modelo de objeto SQL-DMO con el objeto actual



SQL Server database options control access to and behaviors for a specific SQL Server database. You can use the DBOption object to set the values for SQL Server database options.

To set a SQL Server database option

  1. Get the DBOption object from a Database object of a connected SQLServer object.

  2. Set properties to reflect the change you want in behavior. For example, set the value of the ReadOnly property to TRUE to enable read-only access to the database.

Changes to DBOption properties are reflected in the SQL Server database as they are made.


The DBOption object is compatible with instances of SQL Server version 7.0 and later. However, the DBOption2 object extends the functionality of the DBOption object for use with features that were introduced in SQL Server 2000.

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