Explore support and diagnostic tools - Training
This module introduces the tools for troubleshooting the Windows client operating system and provides guidance on how to use them.
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By Mark Russinovich
Published: May 28, 2024
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Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded. Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that will quickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLs loaded.
The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.
Download Process Explorer (3.3 MB)
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Simply run Process Explorer (procexp.exe).
The help file describes Process Explorer operation and usage. If you have problems or questions, visit the Process Explorer section on Microsoft Q&A.
When you configure the path to DBGHELP.DLL and the symbol path uses the symbol server, the location of DBGHELP.DLL also has to contain the SYMSRV.DLL supporting the server paths used. See SymSrv documentation or more information on how to use symbol servers.
Here are some other handle and DLL viewing tools and information available at Sysinternals:
Explore support and diagnostic tools - Training
This module introduces the tools for troubleshooting the Windows client operating system and provides guidance on how to use them.
This handy command-line utility will show you what files are open by which processes, and much more.
Process Monitor - Sysinternals
Monitor file system, Registry, process, thread and DLL activity in real-time.
Defrag Tools: #2 - Process Explorer
In this episode of Defrag Tools, Andrew and I walk you through Sysinternals Process Explorer. Process Explorer is a comprehensive replacement for Task Manager. It allows you to view the details of the processes running on the computer, both at a point in time and historically. The performance graphs allow you to view the CPU, I/O, Memory and GPU usage. Process Explorer can be used to find file locks, loaded DLLs, autostart locations, and many more things. Resources: Sysinternals Process Explorer Timeline: [