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TechNet Magazine: February 2012

hh824704(v=msdn.10).md Editor’s Note: Manage the Migration

By Lafe Low

Whatever your migration path, preparation and planning are equally as important as the actual migration itself. Migration has to start with a solid plan, a thorough assessment of the technology and the supporting processes, and solid execution. Microsoft has a handful of tools, processes and steps to ease the process.
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Exchange Queue & A:
Migration Management

By Henrik Walther

Managing the migration process is always an issue. There are several ways to better streamline and control the process.

Windows Confidential:
Power to the Power User

By Raymond Chen

The line between a power user and a full-on administrator is a thin line indeed. A power user is just an administrator who doesn't realize it yet. They're just a couple of simple steps away.

Utility Spotlight:
Create and Manage Virtual Machines

By Lance Whitney

Microsoft Virtual PC gives you all the functionality you need to manage virtual machines, including running them in Windows XP mode.

Windows PowerShell:
Revisiting Reports

By Don Jones

Text-based reports can be dull and less informative, so why not use Windows PowerShell to generate HTML reports?

New Products for IT Professionals

By Greg Steen

This month's tools will help you verify e-mail messages sent via a messaging service, seamlessly integrate multiple monitors, and copy and paste plain text.

Geek of All Trades:
Cheating Isn't Always Bad

By Greg Shields

You can cheat a bit by updating WIMs offline with Windows Updates. Here's how.