Managing a Problem

Applies To: System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1

The procedures in this section describe how to manage problems in System Center Service Manager 2010.

For a detailed description of the complete scenario for managing problems, see Sample Scenario: Managing Incidents and Problems.

In Service Manager, problems are records that are created to help prevent future problems and incidents from happening, to eliminate recurring incidents, and to minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented. Analysts can use the Service Manager console to create problem records and to associate incidents with problems.

Follow these steps to manage problems.

Task Description

Step 1: How to Create and Edit Problem Records

Describes how to create and edit problem records to group related incidents.

Step 2: How to Resolve Problem Records and Related Incidents Automatically

Describes how to resolve a single problem to automatically close the related incidents.

Step 3: How to Link an Incident or Change Request to a Problem Record

Describes how to link an incident or change request to an associated problem record.

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