Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0
Suspends a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job.
Suspend-BitsTransfer [-BitsJob] <BitsJob[]> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
The Suspend-BitsTransfer cmdlet suspends (pauses) one or more BITS transfer jobs. If the transfer is already suspended, the cmdlet does nothing. You can restart the BITS transfer job by using the Resume-BitsTransfer cmdlet.
Specifies the BITS transfer jobs to suspend. You can pipe a value to this parameter from other cmdlets that return BitsJob objects, such as Get-BitsTransfer.
Required? |
true |
Position? |
1 |
Default Value |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet. The return type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet returns.
Inputs |
Microsoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.BitsJob[] This cmdlet accepts one or more BitsJob objects as input that populates the BitsJob parameter. |
Outputs |
Microsoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.BitsJob[] This cmdlet generates the BitsJob objects that are associated with the BITS transfer jobs that were suspended. |
C:\PS>Get-BitsTransfer | Suspend-BitsTransfer
This command suspends all the BITS transfer jobs that are owned by the current user.
The output of Get-BitsTransfer is a set of BitsJob objects. This output is piped to the Suspend-BitsTransfer cmdlet.
C:\PS>$b = Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers
Suspend-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $b
This command suspends all the BITS transfer jobs on the computer.
The first command retrieves all the BitsJob objects on the computer and then stores them in the $b variable.
The second command uses the BitsJob parameter to pass the BitsJob objects that are stored in the $b variable to the Suspend-BitsTransfer cmdlet.