Mambo のサンプル - manifest.xml

公開日: 2009 年 6 月 8 日 (作業者: stjacobs (英語))

更新日: 2009 年 6 月 11 日 (作業者: stjacobs (英語))

これは、Mambo を IIS に展開するときに使用できる manifest.xml ファイルのサンプルです。このファイルには、構成に合わせて変更する必要があるファイル内の特定の行に、コメントで注釈が付けられています。

サンプル manifest.xml ファイル

  <!-- iisapp path identifies the subdirectory in the ZIP file which
       contains all of the application files 
  <iisapp path="mambo" />
  <!-- dbmysql path identifies the SQL script file that will be executed
       for database setup.  In this app's case, the script is being used
       to create the database user for the application
  <dbmysql path="install.sql" commandDelimiter="//" removeCommandDelimiter="true" />
  <!-- alias is used to make a copy of a distribution file to a location
       where it will be used.  Note that when you specify the Application
       name in the "to" attribute, you should specify the full path using
       the value of iisapp above for the root.  Alias doesn't actually
       copy the file within the package.  It creates an alias to the 
       original file using the new file's path and name.  This alias then
       gets copied to the file system as if it were a real file within
       the package
  <!-- #Mambo
       You could use MS Deploy to ask the questions and populate the
       configuration.php file.  I don't recommend it for Mambo, as I think
       that the install routine you have handles that well
    to="mambo/configuration.php" /> 
  <!-- setAcl with a setAclResourceType of "File" is used to set the access
       privileges for a file within the application.  In this case, the 
       ACL is being set on the configuration file that was created after the
       alias above was copied to disk.  This will enable the application to
       write to the configuration file as needed.  
  <!-- #Mambo
       The configuration.php file doesn't exist in the distro.  From a quick
       look through the code, it looks like the installation routines get
       triggered by the file not being there, or being too small.  This
       SetAcl directive will create the file empty, with permissions that
       allow PHP to write to it, so the installation routine can update the

  <setAcl path="mambo/configuration.php"
    setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <!-- setAcl with no setAclResourceType set will default to setting an ACL
       on a directory.  We are setting an ACL here for the files directory.
       This directory is used to store files that are uploaded for the 
  <!-- #mambo
       langconfig.php seems to be a file that gets created during the
       installation process, and then removed when the installation
       directory is removed.  This ACL will allow us to create and then
       write to this file.
  <setAcl path="mambo/installation/langconfig.php"
    setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <!-- #Mambo
       We'll include one of these for each directory that needs to be
       writable.  I'll leave the first one on 3 lines for readability,
       but I'll put the rest on one per line.
  <setAcl path="mambo/administrator/backups"
    setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/administrator/components" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/administrator/modules" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/administrator/templates" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/cache" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/components" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/images" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/images/banners" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/images/stories" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/language" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/mambots" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/mambots/content" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/mambots/editors" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/mambots/editors-xtd" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/mambots/search" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/media" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/modules" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <setAcl path="mambo/templates" setAclAccess="Modify" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" /> 
  <!-- NOTE - with setAcl, the setAclUser can be explicitly set, or you can
       use the alias 'anonymousAuthenticationUser'.  This should be used in
       all situations, unless your application has a dependency on a specific
       OS user for access to these resources.

       Modify access includes Read and Write as well.  For a full breakdown
       on user rights, check out this article on MSDN:
