Operator Object

この機能は、将来のバージョンの Microsoft SQL Server では削除される予定です。新しい開発作業では、この機能の使用を避け、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションは修正するようにしてください。

The Operator object represents a single Microsoft SQL Server operator. SQL Server operators receive alert and job status notification in response to events generated by the server.

現在のオブジェクトを表す SQL-DMO オブジェクト モデル


Use the Operator object to manage the SQL Server operators defined for an instance of SQL Server. With the Operator object, you can:

  • Define new operators on an instance of SQL Server.

  • Assign alert notifications to the operator.

  • Change the scheduled response times for an existing operator.

The Name property of an Operator object is required when creating an operator on SQL Server. The Name property uses the SQL Server data type varchar(100).

A SQL Server operator created with the minimum required values has no schedule information and is assigned no notifications.

To create a SQL Server operator

  1. Create an Operator object.

  2. Set the Name property.

  3. Add the Operator object to the Operators collection of a connected JobServer object.

To modify an existing SQL Server operator

  1. Get an Operator object from the Operators collection of a connected JobServer object.

  2. Use the BeginAlter method to mark the start of changes to existing property values.

  3. Change property values to reflect changes in behavior.

  4. Use the DoAlter method to mark the end of changes and make changes in the SQL Server operator.

