Settings to Use for Automating Windows Welcome
You can use unattended answer file settings to automatically configure user interface (UI) pages in Windows Welcome.
The following sections describe the different settings that must be applied to automate each UI page in Windows Welcome.
The Language and Region selection page enables an end user to select a country or a region, a locale, and a keyboard layout based on the languages installed on the computer.
This page will always appear if there are Language Interface Packs (LIPs) installed.
Licensing requirements state that editions of the Windows Vista operating system can include only a single language, with the exception of Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows Vista Enterprise. For editions other than Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows will automatically remove all non-default languages from the computer after the end user completes Windows Welcome. Language pack removal applies only to Windows Vista. For Windows Server® 2008, you can install multiple language packs on all editions.
All non-default language packs will be deleted from the computer 24 hours after booting to Windows Welcome.
For more information, see the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit User's Guide (Opk.chm) or the Windows Automated Installation Kit User's Guide (Waik.chm).
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | InputLocale |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the default input locale of the Windows installation. |
Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | SystemLocale |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the default system locale of the Windows installation. |
Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | UILanguage |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the default UI language of the Windows installation. |
Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | UserLocale |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the default user locale of the Windows installation. |
This page enables an end user to read and to accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | OOBE | HideEULAPage |
oobeSystem |
Specifies to hide the Microsoft Software License Terms page |
This page enables an end user to type a product key to activate Windows. The product key can be specified in more than one component. For more information about when to specify which component, see the respective help topics.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | ProductKey |
specialize |
Specifies the product key to use for activation. |
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Setup | ProductKey |
windowsPE |
Specifies the product key to use for activation. |
If you intend to run the sysprep /generalize command, the product key will be removed from the installation. To prevent the Product Key UI page from displaying when the image boots, use an answer file with Sysprep. In the answer file, specify the Product Key value during the specialize pass. For more information, see "How Sysprep Works" in the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit User's Guide (Opk.chm) or the Windows Automated Installation Kit User's Guide (Waik.chm).
The User Name selection page enables an end user to add a user account and a password, and to select a tile for that account. You can automatically create a user account in an answer file. However, there are no settings to configure a user tile.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the user accounts to create on the Windows installation. |
Windows Vista only |
The Computer Name and Desktop Background page enables an end user to specify a name of the computer, as well as a default background to apply.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | ComputerName |
specialize |
Specifies the name of the computer to apply to the Windows installation. |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | Themes | CustomDefaultThemeFile |
auditSystem auditUser oobeSystem specialize |
Specifies the path to a customized theme file. These files may include a .bmp file for customized wallpaper. |
Windows Vista only |
The Windows Protection selection page enables an end user to specify the level of protection to configure on the computer.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | ProtectYourPC |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the protection level of the Windows installation. |
Windows Vista only |
The Time and Date selection page enables an end user to specify the time zone of the computer.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | TimeZone |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the time zone of the computer. |
Windows Vista only |
The Computer's Current Location selection page enables an end user to specify the type of network that the computer uses: home; work; or public.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | NetworkLocation |
oobeSystem |
Specifies the location of the computer. |
Windows Vista only |
The Change Administrator Password selection page requires you to change the Administrator password when you first boot the computer.
Setting | Configuration Pass | Description | Applies To |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | AdministratorPassword | |
oobeSystem |
Configures the Administrator account password. |
Windows Server 2008 only |
If all Windows Welcome pages are configured in an answer file, then this page will be skipped.