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The volume of desktop deployment information on the TechNet site can seem overwhelming, and at times it might be difficult to find exactly the information you need. Here we will point you to some of the most popular sites on TechNet, which should help in your search.

Desktop Deployment Made Easy

For deployment projects, look to the Desktop Deployment Center. The Deployment Center offers information organized logically by the different functional areas of most business desktop deployment projects. For example, all of the information about disk imaging is brought together in one place. Other functional areas include application compatibility, infrastructure management, deployment, user state migration, security and patching, and provisioning. Each section contains links to articles that provide you with more detailed technical information.

The Desktop Deployment Center is organized around the Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment, a framework for planning, building, and deploying business desktop deployment projects (see Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment). The solution includes step-by-step guidance for deploying desktops and includes planning templates.

A Virtual Lab

The TechNet Virtual Lab for Desktop Deployment gives you access to training labs for application compatibility, user state migration, Systems Management Server Operating System Deployment Feature Pack, and more. These training labs include lab manuals and virtual environments offering an experience similar to live seminars with hands-on labs, but you don't have to leave your desk and you don't have to do any prep work. There are related labs at TechNet Virtual Labs, including labs for Microsoft® Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 and Systems Management Server 2003.


TechNet has numerous desktop deployment webcasts (see Desktop Deployment: Webcasts and Virtual Labs) covering a wide range of topics, including planning, application compatibility, disk imaging, distribution, and security. If you're a TechNet subscriber, check your disks for e-learning courses on business desktop deployment, Windows Server™ deployment, and a MOM 2005 overview.


As scripting has become a more integral part of the IT pro's deployment work, a popular resource on TechNet is the Script Center. The TechNet Script Center contains hundreds of scripts, which offer solutions for many scripting problems.

Additional Resources

TechNet also links you to great business desktop deployment information beyond its own site. Resource Kits are an essential source of technical information. The three most valuable links on this page are Windows® Deployment and Resource Kits, Windows XP Professional, and Office 2003. The Resources page also provides links to resources for finding and downloading device drivers (see TechNet Driver Resources).

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