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Registering Workflow Authors

Registering Workflow Authors

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Any authenticated user can create a workflow design as long as the user is the owner of the folder that hosts the workflow process and is authorized to register the workflow event sink. You can control who registers the event sink by populating the Can Register Workflow role of the Workflow Event Sink COM+ package.

By default, workflow authors are restricted. To run a workflow script in privileged mode, you must be a member of the Privileged Workflow Authors role. You can add workflow authors to the Privileged Workflow Authors role using the Component Services dialog box. You must grant this permission on each Exchange 2000 server where workflow authors will use the privileged author role. For more information about running workflow processes in restricted mode and privileged mode, see Restricted Mode and Privileged Mode.

Note   Before you add users to roles or modify Workflow Event Sink properties, you must shut down the Workflow Event Sink COM+ application if it is running.

The following illustration shows the Component Services dialog box where you can populate the Can Register Workflow Event Sink and Privileged Workflow Authors roles.

Screenshot of the Component Services console in MMC with the workflow event sink COM+ package installed, showing the Can Register Workflow and Privileged Workflow Authors roles

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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