Troubleshooting Database Issues in VMM

The sections in this topic provides troubleshooting for three possible database issues in System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM):

  • Inconsistent Database
  • Database Operation Failed
  • Connection to the VMM Database Failed

Each of the following sections provides a summary of each issue, several possible causes of the issue, and steps for resolving the issue.

Inconsistent Database


A database that VMM uses has entered an inconsistent state or has been corrupted, possibly because of hardware issues (VMM event 2602), or VMM is unable to connect to the database because the database is in an inconsistent state (VMM event 2603).


Common causes include:

  • A database that VMM uses has entered an inconsistent state or has become corrupted, or a hardware issue is making the database inaccessible.
  • VMM cannot connect to the VMM database because the database is in an inconsistent state.
  • Someone manually altered the database, and VMM no longer finds the database consistent.
  • A bug might have occurred in the VMM application.


Work with an experienced Microsoft SQL Server database administrator whenever any of these events occurs.

To troubleshoot an inconsistent or corrupted database (VMM event 2602):

  1. Review the Windows Event Log to find out more about the event.
  2. Run DBCC CHECKDB to determine the extent of the damage.
  3. If the issue is in the cache only, and not on the disk itself, you can correct the issue by restarting SQL Server.
  4. If the issue is on the disk, use DBCC to repair the problem.
  5. In some cases, you might need to restore the VMM database.

If VMM cannot connect to the database because the database is in an inconsistent state (VMM event 2603):

  1. Contact your SQL Server database administrator immediately. It might be necessary to restore the VMM database.
  2. If the problem persists, contact Customer Service and Support (CSS). For CSS contacts and other assisted support options, visit the Microsoft Help and Support site (

VMM events 2602, 2603

Database Operation Failed


A database operation in VMM failed (VMM event 2604), or VMM is unable to connect to the VMM database because of a general database failure (VMM event 2605). Database operations can fail for a variety of reasons, including client time-outs as a result of a high volume of requests, temporary network failures, SQL Server service failure, SQL Server configuration issues, or insufficient disk space for a database or transaction log that VMM uses.


Common causes for failed database operations in VMM include:

  • SQL Server cannot handle the volume of requests in a timely manner. This is the most common cause of client time-outs and general network errors.
  • A database or transaction log that VMM uses has run out of disk space.
  • The SQL Server service (by default, MSSQL$MICROSOFT$VMM$) is not running.
  • The SQL Server service is not configured correctly for VMM.
  • A transient network failure.


To troubleshoot general database failures in VMM:

  1. Ensure that the SQL Server service (by default, MSSQL$MICROSOFT$VMM) is running.
  2. For a new VMM server, ensure that SQL Server is configured correctly. For information about configuring SQL Server for use with VMM, see "Configuring a Remote Instance of SQL Server" ( in the Microsoft TechNet Library.
  3. Retry the VMM job that failed because of the database failure.

VMM events 2604, 2605

Connection to VMM Database Failed


VMM was unable to connect to a database, because of a fatal database error, because the SQL Server service is not running, or because VMM could not connect to the database server.


Causes for a database connection failure include:

  • VMM was unable to connect to the database because of a fatal database error (VMM event 2600). In these cases, it is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged.
  • The SQL Server service (by default, MSSQL$MICROSOFT$VMM$) is not running.
  • VMM is using a remote instance of SQL Server, and the VMM server cannot connect to the database server. Possible causes are that the network connection is not working properly, remote connections are not enabled in SQL Server, or the remote SQL server is running under an account other than Local System.


To troubleshoot database connection failures:

  1. Use the Windows Event Viewer to find information about related events, and take appropriate action.
  2. If the connection alert is because of a database failure, it is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged. Ensure that the SQL Server service (by default, MSSQL$MICROSOFT$VMM$) is running on the VMM server.
  3. For a new VMM server, ensure that the remote SQL Server is configured correctly. For information about configuring SQL Server for use with VMM, see "Configuring a Remote Instance of SQL Server" ( in the Microsoft TechNet Library.

VMM Events 2600, 2601